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Heimo Lercher

Heimo Lercher

geboren 1961, ist gelernter Journalist und Kommunikationsberater. Der Miteigentümer einer Werbeagentur ist begeisterter Marathonläufer und hat gemeinsam mit Wim Luijpers die Body-Running-Methode entwickelt. Zuletzt erschienen: "Body Running" (2007).


Coverabbildung von 'Body Running'

Heimo Lercher Wim Luijpers - Body Running

Running with your Whole Body

Learn to run better – it’s easy, helps you to save power and avoid pain and makes you, well, faster! This practical guide is easy to understand and interesting to all amateurs who want to enjoy the world’s most natural sport for decades. More and more adults are getting back to what every child can do: run! With BodyRunning you will run faster at the same effort, or use significantly less energy at your normal speed. In nine chapters, Wim Luijpers and Heimo Lercher explain why we should not leave running to our legs alone. BodyRunning is not designed to produce future top athletes, but it is easily understandable and perfect for all amateurs who are looking for more fun with their hobby.