Clemens Setz - Frequencies
SHORTLIST Deutscher Buchpreis 2009 Bremer Literaturpreis 2009 Walter and Alexander used to be friends when they were only children – now their ways meet again.
This is the story of Walter, the son of an influential architect. He wants to become an actor – or is that what his father wants? Walter is given a chance when Valerie, an exhausted psychiatrist, askes him to play the parts of fictitious patients’ roles in group therapy sessions. Only he is too much absorbed in his part. This is the story of Alexander. He is a nurse, a young man of spreading imagination, which developed in the shadows of his lonely childhood. Alexander quits his job and tries to get rid of his girlfriend in order to be with Valerie. But one day she is found being beaten up brutally… After his debut “Sons and Planets”, for which he received nothing but approval from the critics, Clemens J. Setz presents a piece of work which exceeds all expectations: breathtakingly vigorous, colourful, of powerful expressions and yet gentle.
Book details
720 pagesformat:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715152
Release date: 17.02.2009
License rights
- North Macedonia
- Norway