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Reinhard P. Gruber Pepsch Gottscheber (Illustrated by) - From the life of Hödlmoser

A Styrian novel with stage direction

Was dem Deutschen sein Faust, das ist dem Österreicher sein Hödlmoser.

Hödlmoser, an anachronistic hero, assumes the traditional attitude of the simple man: lover, paterfamilias, mountain climber, poacher, alcoholic, armchair politician, ruffian, patricide, cuckold. The comic element arises from the wide discrepancy between action and language. ... when Styria falls to pieces, so does Austria.

Book details

160 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715978
Release date: 24.07.2012

License rights

  • World rights available
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Reinhard P. Gruber

born in 1947 in Fohnsdorf, Styria, studied theology and philosophy in Vienna and now lives as a writer in Stainz, Styria. Author of many books, among them the Austrian bestseller „Aus dem Leben Hödlmosers“ (Scenes from the life of Hödlmoser) which brought him to fame in 1973, and winner of several Austrian literary awards.

Pepsch Gottscheber (Illustrated by)

wuchs in der Steiermark auf. Er studierte Grafik und Fotografie in Graz. Er arbeitet als Karikaturist.


I have to admit that I haven't read such a delightful novel for a long time – delightful especially because its intellectual wit – a rare thing today – is comprehensible to all. Joachim Schondorff, Münchner Merkur