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Petrus Stockinger - Inner Inventory

Pause – take stock – draw new strength

A guide to finding the source of happiness in life.

When we lose balance in our lives, it’s time to asses the positive and negative aspects and to “take stock” of our inner self. Petrus Stockinger offers helpful advice and suggestions for this process. Drawing on the words of Saint Augustine, who wrote more than 1600 years ago that life in a monastery is about living “together in harmony, being of one mind and one heart on the way to God.” The author knows from his own experience that this is far from an easy task. He explains how to take inventory and revise one’s life in order to live “with a burning heart”. Even if we don’t actually live in a monastery, we all wish to create peace, draw strength and welcome new impulses in our daily lives.

Book details

152 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701733071
Release date: 26.02.2013

License rights

  • World rights available
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Petrus Stockinger

born 1982 in Ried im Innkreis (Upper Austria), was ordained priest in 2009. He works as chaplain in Herzogenburg Priory, where he is also responsible for the monastery’s tourism programs and PR. Additionally, he teaches religion at several schools. He is co-editor of the anniversary edition “900 Jahre Stift Herzogenburg – Zeitzeuge der Ewigkeit” (2012)


Petrus Stockinger weiß, wovon er spricht. (…) In seinem sehr persönlich gehaltenen Buch lädt uns ein, die Quelle glücklichen Lebens zu finden. Gerade in der Zeit vor Ostern lohnt sich der Versuch, das eigene Leben und dessen Schöpfer neu zu entdecken.

Ein spannender Weg.