Barbara Toth - Living with bonus children
Leben mit Bonuskindern
Alle reden über die Kinder aus Patchworkfamilien, doch wie geht es den Stiefmüttern?
Patchwork families are a common occurrence these days. Yet much too little is said about the women who take on the role of stepmother in these new family structures. More often than not, they see the addition to the family as an enrichment. But how do they deal with the situation if their partner’s children reject them? Or if they don’t manage to develop feelings for their “bonus children”? What happens when sharing a home with your new partner threatens to founder on issues concerning the children? Because there is no universal script for being a stepmother and each family’s story is unique, this extensive analysis of the situation is supplemented by contributions from women talking about their personal experiences. This is a multifaceted reading book on the topic: unadorned, honest and sanguine.
Book details
128 pagesformat:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701734399
Release date: 10.04.2018
License rights
- World rights available