Johannes Gutmann - On the Sunny Side
Leben und Genießen mit Kräutern und Gewürzen
Der Kräuterflüsterer Gegen diesen Mann ist kein Kraut gewachsen – die Kräuter wachsen für ihn!
Herbs are a sensory experience. No matter if fresh or dried, they should be in every kitchen and be part of every tea and every therapy. Johannes Gutmann has been proving for 20 years that herbs can also spread delight and joy. As a young man he began to make high-spirits-tea out of herbs, went with his “one-man-show” to trade shows and markets and invented the company “Sonnentor”. He decided for the sunny side of life. And because enjoying is the main part of it, he familiarises us with his treasures also in form of a book: You get a sound overview of herbs and spices, their origins and effects apart from dry technical knowledge. His culinary know-how inspires to experiment. Inventive, sophisticated recipes and a fine knowledge of tea bring completely new tastes into your kitchen. Articles about the history of spices and about important experts of herbs make this book inspiring. When you read the practical advice about herbs from popular medicine you know why this book should be on your kitchen shelf in every case. Pictures full of atmosphere and the story of a very individual path of life complete the herbal walk.
Book details
with numerous photos224 pages
format:196 x 254
ISBN: 9783701731152
Release date: 07.08.2008
License rights
- World rights available