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Elisabeth Schmidauer - Summer in Ephesus

First love and buried hopes: the summer that changed everything.

As a seventeen year-old, Anastasia spends an entire summer in Ephesus instead of accompanying her mother, a dancer, and her constantly changing lovers on a trip through the United States. During the dig she learns more about her father’s lifelong obsession, which destroyed more than her parents’ marriage – Ephesus, the city that had only existed in her dreams and in the books her father, a famous archeologist, had written. She also meets Hubert again, her first love and her father’s favorite student, who once upon a time was a permanent fixture in her parents’ home. That summer, Anastasia still believes that her future is just beginning, but then the season ends in disaster… When she hears of her father’s death many years later, she finds out what actually happened that summer and before. And why he and Hubert wanted nothing to do with her as soon as that summer was over.

Book details

350 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715862
Release date: 06.03.2012

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  • World rights available
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Elisabeth Schmidauer

was born 1961 in Linz and studied German Studies and History. She is a teacher who lives and works in Vienna and is also a member of ur.theater, an improvisational theater group in Vienna. “Sommer in Ephesos” is her first publication.


Her prose carries a well-done rythm, and the combination of informative facts and the story line, which tells about the interpersonal turbulences of the characters, is one of the strength of this novel. APA, Wener Thuswaldner

An artistic debut novel and extraordinarily thrilling. Wienerin ...the successful debut of the Austrian author Elisabeth Schmidauer, which convinces with its rapid style, in which the boarders between monologues and dialogues are melting. Thrilling and readable in one night. DIE PRESSE

Starting from the very first page it is evident: this woman knows how to write. ORF OÖ, Uschi Christl

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