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Konrad Limbeck (By photographer) Andrea Karrer Dietmar Fercher - Sweet Classics

Die feinsten Desserts und Mehlspeisen aus Österreich

The new standard work for Austria’s finest deserts and pastries

Esterhazy torte, cream filled pastries, or the famous Guglhupf ring cake – Austrian cuisine finds its perfection in the world of sweets and pastries. Well-known Viennese patissier Dietmar Fercher reveals 180 of his irresistible recipes, which were deliciously photographed by Konrad Limbek: this elaborate and sophisticated seduction couldn’t taste any sweeter. The comprehensive collection of typically Austrian desert recipes ranges from soufflés, sweet dumplings and puddings to Schmarren (a torn sweet omlette), Palatschinken (the Austrian version of crepes) and fried pastries. Of course, biscuit roulades, slices, crème deserts and parfaits are also included in the collection. Next to easy-to-understand tips, readers are treated with anecdotes on the scrumptious traditional pastries while also learning the basics of baking. Whether fluffy, creamy or delicate: this book helps you create the finest in sweet seductions in your own kitchen.

Book details

5. Auflage März 2021
272 pages
format:165 x 240
ISBN: 9783701732074
Release date: 15.08.2010

License rights

  • United States
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Sie können dieses Buch vormerken:

Konrad Limbeck (By photographer)

born 1974 in Upper Bavaria, has felt drawn to culinary delights since his childhood. After becoming a professional photographer, Limbeck, who lives in Vienna, has been working for a number of lifestyle magazines such as “Wienerin” and “Diva”.

Andrea Karrer

born in 1963, is a versatile ambassador of Austrian culinary traditions. She has a weekly radio show, writes newspaper columns, works with Austrian chef Christian Petz, appears on TV, writes wonderfully tempting cookbooks - and all these activities express her true passion: cooking.

Dietmar Fercher

was born 1953 in Carinthia. After learning his trade in Spittal an der Drau, he perfected his knowledge as a pastry chef in Austria and abroad. His career stations included working as the master confectioner at the Kurkonditorei Oberlaa and as head patissier for the Hilton hotels in Vienna and Düsseldorf as well as for the Imperial Hotels and its cafés (Hotel Bristol, Hotel Imperial, Palais Ferstel, Café Central). For more than 20 years, the master patissier’s own Viennese café-patisserie, which has won the Golden Coffeebean award by Gault Millau and Jacobs Coffee, has been the home of his sweet culinary creations.


Dietmar Fercher und Andrea Karrer enthüllen in ihrem appetitlich gestalteten Backbuch die Geheimnisse der Wiener Konditoreikunst.
[Quelle: Vanessa Schneider, DIE WELT]

Abnehmen? Im Frühling oder so!
[Quelle: Severin Corti, DER STANDARD]

Das schöne Buch heißt nicht nur so, sondern ist jetzt schon ein Klassiker.
[Quelle: MAXIMA]

Raffinierter und vielfältiger kann man nicht verführen.

Ob luftig, cremig, zart: So können Sie auch in der eigenen Küche süße Verführungen vom Feinsten zaubern.

Rezepte und Optik treffen sich vollkommen auf Augenhöhe. Das übersichtliche und edle Layout steht den sehr gelungenen Foodfotos zudem in Nichts nach.

Wir haben für Sie ein Festtagsmenü zusammengestellt, das die Stimmung hebt und jeden zum Schlemmen bekehrt.
[Quelle: Nina Nekoui, SCHAU]