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Ilija Trojanow - The Superfluous Human

An essay on human dignity in late capitalism.

Someone who neither consumes nor produces is redundant - according to the cutthroat logics of late capitalism. International elites claim that overpopulation is our greatest problem. If the population needs to be reduced, who will have to disappear asks Trojanow in his humanist essay that argues against the redundancy of humankind. In his forceful analysis he covers points such as devastation caused by climate change, ruthless neo-liberal politics on the labor market and the apocalypses presented in mass media that we, the seeming winners, fervently consume. One thing we have failed to realize is that these issues also concern us. They concern everyone and everything.

Book details

from the series "Keeping Uncalm"
96 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701716135
Release date: 06.08.2013

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Die Reihe UNRUHE BEWAHREN antwortet auf eine Gegenwartstendenz, die immer ungemütlicher wird. Dem Fortschritt der Moderne wohnt eine Verschleißunruhe inne, während die Vergangenheit zunehmend entwertet und die Zukunft ihrer Substanz beraubt wird. Dagegen steht das Prinzip Anachronie. Engagierte Zeitgenossenschaft sollte mit dem Mut zur Vorsicht ebenso wie mit der Leidenschaft für das Unzeitgemäße verknüpft werden. UNRUHE BEWAHREN ist daher auch das Motto, dem sich die Frühlings- und Herbstvorlesungen der Akademie Graz verschrieben haben.
Herausgegeben von Astrid Kury, Thomas Macho, Peter Strasser
Beratung: Harald Klauhs

Ilija Trojanow

born in Sofia in 1965, fled with his family via Yugoslavia and Italy to Germany in 1971, where they were granted political asylum. In 1972, the family moved on to Kenya. From 1984 to 1989, Trojanow studied law and ethnology in Munich. In 1998 Trojanow moved to Mumbai, in 2003 to Cape Town, and today he lives in Vienna when he is not travelling. His novels such as "Der Weltensammler" and "Macht und Widerstand" are celebrated bestsellers and have been honoured with numerous awards. Residenz Verlag published "Der überflüssige Mensch" (2013) in the Unruhe bewahren series and "Ein Glas voller Zeit" (2025).


This book is not for the faint-hearted. In just under 100 pages, Ilija Trojanow asks the most painful, important questions. WDR 5/SWR2/MDR, Günter Kaindlstorfer

For a lot of us, social inequity is just a given these days. That is exactly what Ilija Trojanow rebels against in his pamphlet "The Superfluous Human". His appeal for more empathy is justified in detail and provides wellresearched examples of frightening developments. DEUTSCHLANDRADIO, Carsten Hueck

With its accessible style and committed, polemical tone, this essay will appeal to a wide readership interested in social injustice and the current political landscape. While there is certainly no shortage of books critiquing the neoliberal condition, the perspicacity of The Superfluous Human and its highly engaging and informative style make Trojanow’s book stand out. NEW BOOKS IN GERMAN, Spring 2014

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