Rotraud A. Perner - The Unrepentant Society
There are ways to a better, more compassionate world.
We live in a world where corruption, deception and violence, relentless careerism and unlimited greed are accepted by nearly everyone. Barely anyone asks: Do things have to be this way? What happened to an individual and collective sense of responsibility? Why do less and less people have a sense for injustice? Rotraud A. Perner embarks on a quest to find out why the courage to take on responsibility seems to be lost. She analizes the causes and describes a path to a better, more compassionate world. Perner not only delivers one of the most fascinating analyses of today’s world, she also points out the purifying power of repentance and the many possibilities of a culture of honesty.
Book details
200 pagesformat:140 x 200
ISBN: 9783701733170
Release date: 17.10.2013
License rights
- World rights available