Bernd Noack - Theatre Scandals
from Aischylos to Thomas Bernhard
History of theatre is the history of an excitement that doesn’t want to end.
Theatre without scandals? Unthinkable! From Aischylos’ “Orestie”, the excitement about what’s to be seen on stage is part of the incalculable and sometimes calculated attraction of theatre. Up to today, until Rolf Hochhuth’s “Stellvertreter” or Thomas Bernhard’s “Heldenplatz”, pieces and productions have consistently made scandals. They provoked, aroused, or simply disturbed the comfortable boredom; they revolutionised theatre or died away without any effect like the screams at the first tier; they came surprisingly and violently or were produced and played up by the media; because of political contents or aesthetic border crossings they made for outrage and distraction – and frequently a behaviour of the public that to date one thought to known only from beer tents. An unbeatable cultural report through the long and loud history of theatre scandals: with analyses of the phenomenon, with swansongs to an old tradition, with interviews and anecdotes, with critics and examples of stage works at which not only the doors banged.
Book details
272 pagesformat:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701731084
Release date: 01.10.2008
License rights
- World rights available