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Gabriela Gussner Susanne Till - Tofu

Kochen & genießen

Genuss ohne Reue. Tofu ist das Zaubermittel der modernen gesunden Küche.

The concentrated force from the soy bean, shaped like a block and without colour or taste is a philosophy for many people, for the authors of this book it’s a magic recourse. Well combined, tofu reduces the amount of calories, fat and cholesterol in food and supports its own flavours. Tofu provides valuable nutrients like phytoestrogen, which is not only important to women over 40, but also has general positive effects on the human body. Tofu makes a perfect combination with many types of meat, vegetables, cereals, pasta, cheese and fruit. It changes traditional dishes to lightweights and offers many possibilities for creative cooking.

Book details

with numerous illustrations
160 pages
format:165 x 240
ISBN: 9783853262207
Release date: 01.01.2003

License rights

  • World rights available
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Gabriela Gussner

geboren 1969, promovierte Ernährungswissenschaftlerin, ist einschlägig tätig. Sie isst gerne leicht und gut. Dabei ist ihr eine einfache, praktische Umsetzung "gesunder Ernährung" besonders wichtig.

Susanne Till

born in 1955 in Vienna, is a biologist with a focus on Botanic. She teaches at the department for nutrition science. She specialises on herbs collected right from the local nature.

"Weg mit dem Schreck. Die Tipps im Buch "Tofu - kochen & genießen" von Susanne Till sind nicht verbissen vegetarisch."
OÖ Nachrichten

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