Rainer M. Köppl - Vampires - The immortal Legend
Der unsterbliche Mythos von Dracula biss Twilight
A fascinating journey through the history of an immortal myth.
They are stuck somewhere between this life and the hereafter, roaming through the night and biting pretty women’s necks. Fantasies and fears manifest themselves in the figure of the vampire, who became world-famous in novels and films, but also appears in TV advertisements, political campaigns and psychoanalysis. The vampirologist Rainer M. Köppl tells us about a fear-filled hysteria between superstition and enlightenment. He describes how vampires first found refuge in romantically idealized literature, were reborn in 20th century film and have become more successful than ever at the dawn of the 21st century. Using vivid examples, the author illustrates the perfection of form and function in the figure of the vampire: as a mirror for our fantasies of sex, violence, fear, blood, death, eternal love and immortality.
Book details
with bat-flip-book288 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701732043
Release date: 15.09.2010
License rights
- World rights available