Coverabbildung von "Victor Weisskopf"


A biography

Living for science, music and peace

The great physicist Victor Weisskopf (1908–2002) studied under Wolfgang Pauli, Werner Heisenberg and Erwin Schrödinger in Leipzig and Berlin. He was forced to leave his native Austria before the Nazi occupation on account of his Jewish heritage. He subsequently joined the team of scientists on the Manhattan Project in the USA, where he was involved in the development of the atom bomb. By the time he fully realized the consequences of his work, however, it was already too late. From then on, he became a vocal opponent of nuclear weapons. A belated realization in the moral dilemma of atomic physics, or a logical conclusion for the man who later became a professor at MIT and the director of CERN? An enthralling, well-founded biography of this physicist and passionate pianist.

Book details

Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen
224 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701736218
Release date: 06.10.2025

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  • World rights available
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Peter Illetschko

born in Vienna in 1962. He studied journalism and communication sciences and was head of the science department at "STANDARD" from 2013 to 2021. He founded the "Forschung spezial" supplement. Numerous awards, including the State Prize for Science Journalism. He works as a freelance author in Vienna. "VICTOR WEISSKOPF – THE MAN WHO LEARNED TO HATE BOMBS" (2024) was published by Residenz Verlag.

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