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Coverabbildung von 'Strom aus der Salzach'

- Strom aus der Salzach

Das Kraftwerk Gries

Erneuerbare Energie aus Wasserkraft

Mit dem Salzach-Kraftwerk Gries (Errichtung 2016–2019) setzen Salzburg AG und VERBUND als die beiden führenden Stromunternehmen im Bundesland Salzburg den gemeinsamen Ausbau der Wasserkraft zur Stärkung der heimischen nachhaltigen Stromerzeugung fort. Geplant und zur Umsetzung gebracht wurde das Kraftwerk in Zeiten des Umbruchs in der Energiewirtschaft, die auch Branchengrößen ins Wanken gebracht haben. Die Kreativität der Projektbeteiligten und der politische Gestaltungswille haben dazu geführt, dass ein modernes Wasserkraftwerk entstehen konnte, das Strom für Generationen erzeugen wird. Aus den Blickwinkeln der verschiedenen Projektbeteiligten wird die Vielfalt dieses Infrastrukturprojekts beleuchtet.

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176 pages
format:190 x 230
ISBN: 9783701734863
Release date: 04.06.2019

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Coverabbildung von 'Ned, dasi ned gean do warat'

Christine Nöstlinger Michael Köhlmeier (Foreword by) Gerald Votava (Afterword by) Barbara Waldschütz (Illustrated by) - Not that I wouldn't like to be there


I frog mi imma: Wos is schlimma? Bes oda bled?

Christine Nöstlinger's new vernacular poems are profound, pithy and full of darkly humorous overtones. They tell of hopes and fears, of avarice and of dealing with old age. The work-shy "Jasmin from stairway four" is a drain on her husband's pocket, "West Street Station Rudi" observes life's little and big ladies on the station platform every day, quiet Mr Meier only reveals his secret fantasies of violence to his goldfish – is that reason to call the police? The verses gathered from Christine Nöstlinger's estate provide a nuanced look at life by focusing on the margins of society. A must for all friends of Viennese vernacular poetry and Nöstlinger fans.

Book details

80 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701717156
Release date: 09.04.2019

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'Das Blut ist blau'

Undiné Radzevičiūtė Cornelius Hell (Translated by) - Das Blut ist blau

Die Geschichte einer Familie, deren Machtgier Europa prägte: die deutschen Borgia

Das deutsche Adelsgeschlecht von der Borch war nicht minder einflussreich und machtgierig als ihre italienischen Verwandten, die berühmten Borgia. An der Schwelle zwischen Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit kämpft Bernhard von der Borch, Landmeister des Deutschritterordens, in Livland um den Erhalt seiner Macht, er will einen neuen Kreuzzug ins Leben rufen – doch die Zeiten der Ritterlichkeit sind vorbei. Undiné Radzevičiūtė, in deren Adern das blaue Blut der Borchs fließt, folgt ihrer eigenen Familiengeschichte und erzählt fesselnd und gewitzt vom Kampf der letzten Ordensritter um ihre Vormachtstellung. Wird es Bernhard von der Borch gelingen, sich mit Putsch und Intrige in einer Welt zu behaupten, die bereits in Auflösung ist?

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Aus dem Litauischen übersetzt.
400 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701717002
Release date: 12.03.2019

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Coverabbildung von 'Schwarzweissbuch Milch'

Thomas Stollenwerk - The Black and White Book of Milk

Die Neuerfindung eines Naturprodukts – zwischen Mythos und Wahrheit

Milk is traditionally seen as a healthy staple food, especially in the western world. But its image has seen a significant shift in recent years. Since the cessation of EU milk quotas, the dairy industry has focused on increased production and on opening up new markets, especially in the Asian world. This expansion is leading to changes in the methods of animal husbandry. The rapid development divides milk producers into winners and losers of the restructuring. But what form of milk production do the farmers and consumers want? How healthy is milk in truth? And why is the milk market booming in the first place? What are the positive and negative aspects of this industry? Thomas Stollenwerk has written a factual book about milk that leaves no question unanswered.

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aus der Reihe "Leben auf Sicht"
192 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701734733
Release date: 12.03.2019

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Coverabbildung von 'Future's last year'

Michael Laczynski - Future's last year

How 1999 changed the world

Im Jahr 1999 wurden weltweit Entscheidungen getroffen, die sich als Brandbeschleuniger herausstellten. Eine überraschende Analyse.

Around the world, decisions were made in 1999 that transpired to be highly incendiary. Laczynski delivers a surprising analysis. Financial bubbles and debt crises, Wladimir Putin and Donald Trump, the rise of China and the demise of Europe, talent shows and "Game of Thrones". Smart phones and social networks, populists and self-promoters, internet billionaires and Me Incs, 9/11 and the endless wars in the Near East – many of the developments that have shaped our era of crises and conflicts have their roots in 1999. It was a time when the future seemed within reach and the hope for world peace and prosperity for all seemed justified rather than naive. "Future's last year. How 1999 changed the world" details how the carnival of optimism came to an end and the course was set for the return of a past we thought had long been overcome.

Book details

192 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701734429
Release date: 12.03.2019

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Coverabbildung von 'Loving with Success'

Georg Fraberger - Loving with Success

How to become and remain a happy couple

We can't order our heart to like or dislike someone.

A romantic relationship is an exchange, in which a person gives a part of themselves in order to become something bigger with another person. But managing this exchange isn't easy. Often there is inner resistance. Our mind may speak against love or our life partner, while our body disagrees and grows weak at the sight of the other. We might go soft in the knees or experience fear of loss. Love within a relationship can go off balance. But there are ways to experience love as a profound exchange, without strain or pressure and without obligation. Georg Fraberger analyses love and sexuality and reveals how we can develop a fulfilled partnership. He is also very candid in describing his own relationship to his wife and their path towards a stable marriage.

Book details

176 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701734672
Release date: 12.03.2019

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Coverabbildung von 'Dreissig Tage'

Annelies Verbeke Andreas Gressmann (Translated by) - Dreissig Tage

Dreißig Tage Heiterkeit, Liebe und Musik. Doch am letzten Tag ist alles anders.

Der Gegensatz könnte größer nicht sein zwischen dem offenherzigen, senegalesischen Musiker Alphonse und dem verregneten, flämischen Flachland mit seiner zugeknöpften Biederkeit und seinen Weltkriegsgräbern. Und doch zieht Alphonse mit seiner Brüsseler Freundin Kat genau hierher, um am Dorf ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Er verdingt sich als Heimwerker, und während er stets gut gelaunt Hecken schneidet, Dachböden ausräumt und Wände streicht, erzählen ihm die Nachbarn von Träumen und Affären, Familiengeheimnissen und Alltagssorgen. Alphonse arbeitet, hört zu und wird bald unentbehrlich. Und während wir Leser uns in Alphonses Charme und Menschenfreundlichkeit verlieben, braut sich bei den Einheimischen eine unvermutete Feindseligkeit zusammen…

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Aus dem Niederländischen übersetzt.
344 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701716975
Release date: 27.02.2019

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Coverabbildung von 'Ohne Bekenntnis'

Niko Alm - Denomination Undeclared

How religion is used to shape politics

How religion exploits politics

Is our political system truly free from religious influences? The Enlightenment aimed to secularise politics, but the concordats of the early 20th century laid the foundation for a pairing of religion and state. Religion remains a defining political force, both at national as well as international level. From religiously motivated terrorism through to the crucifix in the classroom, the clash between religion and secular society creates friction within political debate. The discussions over burka bans or circumcision point to the demarcation lines in society and are thereby often also indicators for political self-positioning. Niko Alm analyses the exploitation of politics through religion and makes an impassioned plea for secularity.

Book details

256 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701734566
Release date: 12.02.2019

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Coverabbildung von 'Andere Sorgen'

Katharina Pressl - Other Worries

Katharina Pressl's debut novel is a call to arms against day-to-day life: wry, preposterous and pretty dangerous.

What's to be done when ordinary life simply becomes too much? When your mother has to go into residential care and the family home must be cleared out and let. When everyone expects the narrator to finally look for a sensible job and start a family? When normality-induced melancholia hits, there's only one thing for it – hit back. Ideally where it’s least expected. A revolt is instigated in the care home; Jola delivers inflammatory speeches in her sequinned gown; the local youth gang of "domestic poachers" turns life in the small town upside down; a kidnapping morphs into a seaside mini-break, much to the delight of the home's residents. And then suddenly Malina appears. Malina, who’s prepared to do almost anything and sometimes oversteps the mark.

Book details

184 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701717064
Release date: 12.02.2019

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  • World rights available
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