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Coverabbildung von 'Liebe macht blind - manche bleiben es'

Christine Nöstlinger Hubert Hladej (Edited by) - Love is blind. Some people too.

Trost und Rat für Frauen in allen Lebenslagen

Comfort and advice plus wisdom and wit: more stories on life among fellow humans, men and children.

Love is blind – and that’s why it is so beautiful to be in love. It’s easy to be forgiving when you don’t see further than the rim of love’s rose-colored glasses or the slices of cucumber you put on your eyes to keep love fresh. Still, of course, the world behind those glasses is rough and flawed, full of challenges and obstacles. Losing sight of that will soon leave you stumbling through your life with housework and relationships, husband and kids. Christine Nöstlinger tells the stories of such a life like no other, stories she stumbled across herself, and she does so in a clear-sighted, trenchant, ironic but always loving way.

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250 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701716005
Release date: 31.08.2012

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Coverabbildung von 'Verpasste Siege'

Hans-Dieter Otto - Missed victories

Tragic defeats in Austria’s military history

Military mishaps and mistakes

As the world power of its time, the Habsburg empire not only was the main defender against the Turks in the east, but, over the centuries, also fought various alliances attacking in the west. For a long time, the Austrian army was counted among the world’s most powerful, and acclaimed commanders such as Prince Eugene of Savoy or Count Leopold von Daun were victorious on many battlefields – and horribly defeated on others. Glorious victories were achieved under the Austro-Hungarian flag, but there were also military mishaps, serious blunders and blatant misjudgements which turned the tides in a battle or even decided the outcome of a war. These are the stories told in this book. In fascinating case studies, Hans-Dieter Otto analyses the reasons for these mistakes and introduces the reader to captivating chapters in Austria’s military history.

Book details

with maps and illustrations
216 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701732449
Release date: 28.08.2012

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'Kein Tag ohne Erleichterung'

Peter Strasser - Not a day without relaxation

An amusing book for philosophy lovers about the deeply human nature of human nature.

Philosophy starts with someone thinking unhealthy thoughts. The philosopher in this book however, is not some wacky freelancer. No, he is a civil servant living in a humble civil servant’s apartment with a lifelong job guarantee like it is no longer found in today’s world. As an upright civil servant he never tires of explaining the nature of his special subject to young people: “Philosophizing means learning to relax!” Together with his companions, the full-blooded pug Paul, the two guinea pigs Fritzi & Fratzi and his friend Idiot, our lover of wisdom stumbles through life, shaking, but determined to face each apocalypse that life confronts him with.

Book details

from the series "Keeping Uncalm"
120 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701715893
Release date: 04.05.2012

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Coverabbildung von 'Can priests fly?'

Adolf Holl - Can priests fly?

Plädoyer für den Wunderglauben

Our daily event give us today.

Padre Pio can float in thin air, the dead can come back to life, faqirs can make themselves invisible and Virgin Mary can heal tumors. It seems like God never tires of trying out new things. Just like people never tire of miracles in their lives, whether its sports or a classical concert. This book is a perfect opportunity to marvel. Adolf Holl offers a concise overview of the long history of humankind’s belief in miracles. In a fine balancing act between stories and aphorisms he captures the rare moments that open our eyes to a world full of miracles. A must for everyone who wants to believe and marvel.

Book details

156 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701732616
Release date: 26.03.2012

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  • Czechia
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Coverabbildung von 'august walla.!'

Book details

deutsch/englisch, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen; 4 Bände im Schmuckschuber
750 pages
format:240 x 300
ISBN: 9783701732753
Release date: 15.03.2012

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Coverabbildung von '223 or The collatoral'

Manfred Wieninger - 223 or The collatoral

A small-town policeman faces a mountain of corpses: this is not a regular crime novel

In late April 1945 hundreds of Jewish forced laborers from Hungary on the death trail heading to Mauthausen end up in a refugee camp in Persenbeug on the Danube. The frontlines both east and west are as close as the end of the war. The Second Republic has already been proclaimed in nearby Vienna and Adolf Hitler is already dead when a motorized SS taskforce covertly attacks the camp and massacres 223 people in a bloodbath. Hardly anybody admits to having seen or heard anything, but inspector Franz Winkler, a Deputy Commander left to his own devices in this remote town, begins to investigate. He risks his head to save his skin. Will he manage to save the nine survivors of the massacre? Manfred Wieninger documents one of the most extraordinary criminal cases in Austrian history while maintaining a fine balance between historical report and fictitious elements. He turns history into a story, in which the victims are no longer nameless.

Book details

250 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715800
Release date: 06.03.2012

License rights

  • World rights available
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