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Coverabbildung von 'A grand finale for Novak'

Peter Henisch - A grand finale for Novak


A novel with a big bang and full of subtle irony: funny, tragic, stunning!

Novak is a late bloomer when it comes to the wide world of emotions, which he discovers in a hospital, of all places. Because his hospital roommate keeps him from sleeping, the Indonesian nurse Manuela lends him her walkman and tapes, thus infecting him with her love of opera. After being discharged Novak somehow can’t get back into the routine of his regular, ordinary life. Manuela has opened his ears – not only to opera, but also to the annoying racket of everyday life: noise from lawn mowers, jackhammers and his wife Herta. While he continues his new of listening to opera, Herta suspects another woman behind his new passion. She’s not that far off the mark. But Manuela suddenly disappears. Was she merely an illusion on the stage of Novak’s middle-aged dreams? Or could his wife somehow be involved in her quiet disappearance? Even without her, the grand finale is a striking as an opera: cruelly dramatic.

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304 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715473
Release date: 23.08.2011

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Coverabbildung von 'Money!'

Peter Rosei - Money!

Capitalism is a vast country.

Life is merely a chance and Georg Asamer has grabbed it: He made it as the boss of a highly successful advertisement agency. After he appoints Andy Sykora as his successor, he recognizes that he has become old – business strategies have changed. Hans Falenbruck, a random acquaintance of Sykora and heir to a large pharmaceutical enterprise, has kept up with the times: He travels to Vienna in order to conquer the Eastern European market. Then there is Irma Wonisch, Falenbruck’s old flame from a good family, who gets together with Tom Loschek. The aspiring broker sparks a sense of adventure in all of them with his appealing investment ideas… Peter Rosei leads us into the heart of a world where – at times by chance, yet always inevitably –destructive wishes and high hopes collide. “Geld!” is a laconically fascinating book, a sharp witted puzzle with comedic undertones.

Book details

176 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715718
Release date: 23.08.2011

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Coverabbildung von 'Kickboxing with Lu'

Roman Marchel - Kickboxing with Lu

This book will knock you off your feet with its humor, quick pace, intelligence and loads of emotion.

“So, no sex, no god, no dreams” – otherwise Lu will talk about anything. She tells her parents that she’s going to kickboxing camp for two weeks. Actually, she has decided to take some time off and rents a room in a Bed and Breakfast called “Zur schönen Gegenwart” (the beautiful now). Lu is 16 and she doesn’t have a story, not a real one, not yet. But she can talk like others breathe. In the B’n’B she meets Tulpe Valentin, an old author who has written eight novels, but finished the last one years ago. She thinks she has left her life behind along with her writing. The time off that Valentin and her ill B’n’B neighbor are taking is more like waiting for the right moment to give up. “A punch hurts less if you see it coming.” But then Lu comes along and starts talking and Valentin listens and writes it all down – it’s her last novel, because she sees life right in front of her. It’s not her own, but another life is continuing.

Book details

220 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715732
Release date: 23.08.2011

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Coverabbildung von 'Game Cuisine'

Hans-Friedemann Zedka Toni Mörwald - Game Cuisine

The 100 best recipes

Das Standardwerk für die gehobene und traditionelle österreichische Wildküche

Toni Mörwald hasn’t only cooked for the whole world, he has always remained true to his Lower Austrian roots. Feuerbrunn is still the base of his cooking empire, he is still strongly connected with the local hunters. For years he has been taking account of this roots in his regular culinary articles for the most important hunting magazine of Austria “Weidwerk”. No matter if it is deer, wild pig or pheasant, they can all be turned into delicious, light and inventive treats. A professional and plain merchandise knowledge takes away the last doubts. With a lot of fantasy and little effort, the delicious ideas can be realised. That way you bring glamour into the traditional cuisine. Halali! Don’t spoil your guests only when the days get shorter!

Book details

304 pages
format:165 x 240
ISBN: 9783701732623
Release date: 23.08.2011

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Coverabbildung von 'Franz Liszt'

Jan Jiracek von Arnim - Franz Liszt

Visionary and Virtuoso. A biography

A biography on the occasion of the composer’s 200th birthday.

Born in the year of the “Great Comet”, the path of this child prodigy from Raidling, Burgenland first led to Vienna and later Paris, the Mecca of the musical world at the time. There, Franz Liszt became highly successful as a piano virtuoso and led the life of a sought-after bohemian. Always searching for success as a composer, Liszt’s torn inner state marked his artistic development as much as his love affairs. After concert tours through all of Europe, he was appointed director of Weimar’s court orchestra, where he helped Richard Wagner’s opus achieve a breakthrough. Jan Jiracek von Arnim embarks on a fascinating journey exploring the composer’s life. He follows Liszt’s years on the road as a virtuoso, visionary, musical pioneer, superstar and soul-searcher as he takes a closer look at the person and musician. The result is this magnificent portrait of an exceptional artist.

Book details

232 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701732340
Release date: 19.05.2011

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Coverabbildung von 'Politik der Angst'

Peter Fritz - Politics of Fear

9/11 und die Folgen

The “War against Terror” and its wrong objectives

The world changed within a few hours. As the ORF’s correspondant in Washington D.C., Peter Fritz experienced how a nation at the peak of global power was humiliated to the core on September 11, 2001. The USA reacted with politics of fear, which in turn have affected the entire world. What at first seemed like successful campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq soon turned out to cost the price of human rights. Martial law had replaced the constitutional rule of law. Caught up in an obsession with security, the USA lost both their economic dominance and their moral integrity. In the global race for intellectual influence and cultural dominance they are now stuck in a precarious situation. Can the USA prevent their downfall as a global super power? In his new book, Peter Fritz takes stock of the situation ten years after the terror attacks in New York and reaches the conclusion that the “War Against Terror” has been following the wrong objectives.

Book details

240 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701732302
Release date: 19.04.2011

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Coverabbildung von 'Everything you’ve always wanted to know about Mozart'

Günther G. Bauer - Everything you’ve always wanted to know about Mozart

This book includes everything about Mozart – even things that nobody knew.

You think you know Mozart? Think again! You will be surprised to find out how little you knew about someone so well known: Did Mozart use a special ruler to draw the lines of is sheet music? What was the name of his riding horse and how much did it cost? What type of corkscrew did he use and what happened to his lottery tickets? What cookbook was used for his meals? What was his favorite soap? And what did his wife’s soap smell like? In more than 300 interesting and amusing entries this book offers insight into Mozart’s life and work, living conditions and traveling habits. The perfect gift for anyone who knows Mozart and all those who want to learn more about him!

Book details

224 pages
format:130 x 175
ISBN: 9783701732265
Release date: 22.03.2011

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  • World rights available
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