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Coverabbildung von 'Bruno Kreisky'

Wolfgang Petritsch - Bruno Kreisky

The biography

An extensive biography honoring the 100th birthday of the legendary Austrian politician!

Creativity, the willingness to change things – and the grouchy humor he was known for: Kreisky’s multifaceted personality was reflected in his unusual life. The open-minded intellectual was a key figure in the political and economic rise of postwar Austria. As Federal Chancellor (1970-1983), he implemented fundamental reforms as well as long overdue modernizations, thus helping the SPÖ (Social Democratic Party of Austria) become one of the most successful social democratic parties in Western Europe. Willy Brandt was a close friend. Kreisky was a mediator between East and West, a global political player. A smart analyst who also had the talent of connecting with everyday people. This biography is based on the author’s decade-long engagement with the Kreisky phenomenon, including information from hitherto unknown sources. Wolfgang Petritsch held numerous interviews with international contemporaries as well as private friends to complete the dazzling image of this impressive personality.

Book details

with numerous illustrations
424 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701731893
Release date: 15.10.2010

License rights

  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'Masquerade of the Genii'

Fritz von Herzmanovsky-Orlando Klaralinda Ma-Kircher (Edited by) - Masquerade of the Genii

The readers’ edition of Fritz von Herzmanovsky’s main work.

A dream path behind a cabinet door leads the unmarried orphan Cyriak de Pizzicolli, who has never traveled beyond Graz and its vicinity, to “Tarockei”, the “only neighboring country to the world”. The fantastical land inhabited by magical beings is an Austrian-Byzantine utopia, where the constitution is based on the card game tarot. What adventures he experiences after encountering the breathtakingly beautiful Cyparis and why he ends up wearing stag antlers on his head can be told by none less than Fritz Herzmanovsky-Orlando. “Masquerade of the Genii” is not only his main work, but also one of the main works of 20th century Austrian literature – the fantastical sister of Robert Musil’s “Man Without Qualities”, like Alice in Wonderland stumbling into Kafka’s Castle, a wonderful nightmare bubbling with ideas and humor!

Book details

edited by Klaralinda Ma-Kircher
504 pages
format:110 x 190
ISBN: 9783701715527
Release date: 13.10.2010

License rights

  • Poland
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Coverabbildung von 'Sankt Nikolaus und Knecht Ruprecht'

Peter Daniell Porsche Kuni Porsche (Illustrated by) - Sankt Nikolaus und Knecht Ruprecht

Der traditionsreiche Adventsgeschichte, liebevoll illustriert.

Der Text von Peter Daniell Porsche und die Bilder von Kuni Porsche erzählen den Kindern von heute die ,Nikolausgeschichte' auf eine Weise, die zum Träumen, Entspannen und Staunen verleitet. Es ist wieder Advent geworden und der heilige Nikolaus macht sich mit seinem himmlischen Gespann auf die Reise zur Erde. Auf seinem Weg durch den Winterwald trifft er Knecht Ruprecht, der ihn mit seinem Gabensack auf dem Weg zu den Kindern begleitet. Aber auch die Tiere des Waldes und die unter dem Schnee verborgenen Christrosen finden seine liebevolle Aufmerksamkeit. Ein Kinderbuch zum Vorlesen und selber schmökern.

Book details

Bilderbuch, durchgehend illustriert
36 pages
format:225 x 300
ISBN: 9783990530122
Release date: 02.10.2010

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Coverabbildung von 'The Cause'

Thomas Bernhard - The Cause

An Intimation

Wie Thomas Bernhard Thomas Bernhard wurde

The causes were catastrophic: the boarding school was a prison, the town a terminal disease. There was war and there was his grandfather, who only talked to him about the masters, Mozart, Rembrandt and Beethoven. The causes were destructive, and they left indelible traces in Thomas Bernhard’s life and work.

Book details

128 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715589
Release date: 27.09.2010

License rights

  • Denmark
  • France
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Spain
  • United Kingdom
  • Bulgaria
  • Caribbean Netherlands
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Coverabbildung von 'The Cellar'

Thomas Bernhard - The Cellar

A Withdrawal

Lehrjahre unter Erniedrigten

One morning, the pupil decides to withdraw from his life. In the cellar, on the fringes of the detested town, in the ghetto of the have-nots and criminals, Thomas Bernhard finds himself an apprenticeship in a grocery store. There he gets to know those who have been cast aside by society, and he gets to understand himself.

Book details

Die sorgfältig gestalteten und ausgestatteten Neuausgaben sind fest gebunden
128 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715596
Release date: 27.09.2010

License rights

  • Denmark
  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • United Kingdom
  • Japan
  • Netherlands
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Coverabbildung von 'The Breath'

Thomas Bernhard - The Breath

A Decision

Nachrichten von der Lebensgrenze

Severe pulmonary disease tore Thomas Bernhard away from his daily life before he was even eighteen. His body forced him into the isolation of hospital wards, into the company of the barely alive. His final stop was the bathroom from which only the dead returned. There he suddenly knew that he mustn’t stop breathing, that he wanted to live.

Book details

128 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715602
Release date: 27.09.2010

License rights

  • Denmark
  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • United Kingdom
  • Japan
  • Netherlands
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Coverabbildung von 'A Child'

Thomas Bernhard - A Child

Die Geschichte einer Erziehung ohne Erzieher

Thomas Bernhard’s childhood years, the beginning at the end, a martyrdom commences. The shame of being born out of wedlock and the mother’s accusation: You have ruined my life! These were years of fear and war. It was a time far removed from joy, although not entirely without its moments of elation.

Book details

128 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715626
Release date: 27.09.2010

License rights

  • Denmark
  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • United Kingdom
  • Netherlands
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Coverabbildung von 'Das Leben ist ungerecht'

Thomas Macho - Life is Unfair

Anachronistic subjects revisited

Thomas Macho leads us through a fascinating philosophical discourse on the boundaries of fairness. On one hand it is said that “all humans are equal”, but on the other, “life is unfair”. Illnesses, disabilities, shortened life spans and causes of death constantly challenge the sociopolitical ideal of equality. What use are comp time, governmental child support and pensions, insurances and building loan agreements if some people die as children while others live to be one hundred years – perhaps even wealthy and full of happiness? The well-known philosopher investigates this and further questions in a world that may be familiar with the term “justice”, but faces a different reality. He questions the solidarity of humans, the base of democracy, and embarks on a search for answers and new paths.

Book details

from the series "Keeping Uncalm"
104 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701715558
Release date: 24.09.2010

License rights

  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • Turkey
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