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Coverabbildung von 'Sweet Classics'

Konrad Limbeck (By photographer) Andrea Karrer Dietmar Fercher - Sweet Classics

Die feinsten Desserts und Mehlspeisen aus Österreich

The new standard work for Austria’s finest deserts and pastries

Esterhazy torte, cream filled pastries, or the famous Guglhupf ring cake – Austrian cuisine finds its perfection in the world of sweets and pastries. Well-known Viennese patissier Dietmar Fercher reveals 180 of his irresistible recipes, which were deliciously photographed by Konrad Limbek: this elaborate and sophisticated seduction couldn’t taste any sweeter. The comprehensive collection of typically Austrian desert recipes ranges from soufflés, sweet dumplings and puddings to Schmarren (a torn sweet omlette), Palatschinken (the Austrian version of crepes) and fried pastries. Of course, biscuit roulades, slices, crème deserts and parfaits are also included in the collection. Next to easy-to-understand tips, readers are treated with anecdotes on the scrumptious traditional pastries while also learning the basics of baking. Whether fluffy, creamy or delicate: this book helps you create the finest in sweet seductions in your own kitchen.

Book details

5. Auflage März 2021
272 pages
format:165 x 240
ISBN: 9783701732074
Release date: 15.08.2010

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  • United States
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Coverabbildung von 'Spätes Tagebuch'

Erika Pluhar - Late diary

A personal view on the life story of a fascinating woman - this new novel by Erika Pluhar describes desires and fears of growing older in a sensitive but nevertheless frank way.

Paulina Neblo can look back on an eventful life. As a choreographer, she founded a successful dance company, she had numerous affairs and a daughter, who she loves more than anything, and finally, as a mature woman, led a fulfilled marriage. But when she loses her husband in a fatal car accident and is hit by the next blow of fate – her daughter’s death – shortly after, Paulina retreats from an active life. At the age of 70, she decides to become a chronicler of her present, noting daily tidbits and facing the fact that old age holds no future. But her memories of the past cannot be cast aside and those surrounding Paulina do not accept her chosen isolation… Erika Pluhar has written a sensitive, yet brutally honest book about aging, desires and fears. Poetic, true-to-life and intense.

Book details

6th edition
224 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715374
Release date: 12.01.2010

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'Masterpieces of the Duerckheim Collection'

Hermann Nitsch - Masterpieces of the Duerckheim Collection

This private art collection includes a very significant Nitsch section featuring more than one hundred works. It will, in this form, be shown in public for the first time. The main paintings of the Duerckheim Collection show how Nitsch changes from red to a broader and renewed spectrum of colours. He created a philosophy of colours, his own colour doctrine, which also became part of the idea underlying his “Theatre of Orgies and Mysteries”. New sensory impressions made him focus his attention on a special and unique form of the colour harmony that has since become a characteristic feature of his highly individual approach to colouring, in conjunction with the almost archaic symbolism expressed by his choice of colours. By these means, Nitsch links mythological and metaphysical patterns with the realistic action of the “Theatre of Orgies and Mysteries”.

Book details

English and German, with numerous illustrations
128 pages
format:245 x 290
ISBN: 9783701732210
Release date: 23.07.2010

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Coverabbildung von 'The Sweet World of Fish'

David Ruehm (By photographer) Herbert Hacker Toni Mörwald - The Sweet World of Fish

Die besten Rezepte von Aal bis Zander

The standard work of the new delicious freshwater fish cuisine.

Trout, char, zander – fish from lakes, ponds, rivers and streams are a delicacy. And they are healthy, because freshwater fish are rich in protein, low-cholesterol and are often provided with an overproportional amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Restaurants are following this trend as well: Various creations of huchen and crayfish are increasingly found on the menus. In this cookbook Toni Mörwald compiled the best recipes for freshwater fish. Step by step he explains “the sweet world of fish”, from the right way to go grocery shopping to the ideal ways of cooking, the perfect spices, sauces and sides

Book details

mit zahlreichen Fotos
320 pages
format:165 x 240
ISBN: 9783701731855
Release date: 01.06.2010

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'ora @ labora'

Judith Grohmann Abt Gregor Henckel Donnersmarck - ora @ labora

On God and creation and paradise on earth

Is God the better manager? The abbot of the “singing monks” answers questions that affect us all.

The basic motto of Saint Benedict – “work and pray” – is followed in the monastery. Does that make monks happier people? Doesn’t an abbot also have to function a crisis manager? Abbot Gregor Henckel Donnersmarck, who had a successful business career before he heard the calling, tells how he and his community in the Monastary of the Holy Cross deal with the trials and tribulations of everyday life. And why the monks’ prayers on the album “Chant – Music for Paradise” were sold over a million times worldwide. Abbot Gregor bases his beliefs on the three Christian virtues faith, hope and love, which are supported by the four Cardinal virtues temperance, prudence, fortitude and justice. He shares his personal experiences to illustrate why religion, spirituality and values are such important sources of strength in times of crisis.

Book details

with numerous photos
224 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701731619
Release date: 28.05.2010

License rights

  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'Channel 8'

Andrea Maria Dusl - Channel 8

A breathtaking love story full of transcendental beauty!

It is only by coincidence that Valentin, a successful TV journalist working for the international Parisian broadcasting network “Channel 8”, discovers that his disturbing dreams are in fact reality. Confused, he embarks on a search for the strange visions that haunt his nightly dreams. He travels to the city where these nightmares are obviously taking place: St. Petersburg. Valentin has an uncanny connection to a Russian artist, who makes her living as a pickpocket. The mundane reporter and the melancholic beauty dream of each other. Like two radio stations tuned to the same frequency, they each experience the life of the other in their dreams. Searching for the strange, yet familiar woman, the line between dream and reality begins to blur as both begin to cross boundaries that they never even thought existed. The ensuing love story between the two highly opposite characters turns into a balancing act between life and death.

Book details

220 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715329
Release date: 11.05.2010

License rights

  • World rights available
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