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Coverabbildung von 'For the Advanced'

Alek Popov Alexander Sitzmann (Translated by) - For the Advanced

A load of fun: these stories are dripping with dark humor and morbid wit.

One morning a man happens upon a newspaper ad in which someone – now that the free market has found its way to Bulgaria – offers services as an executioner. The man is curious. After all, 50 USD aren’t that much for a once in a lifetime experience, even if it ends in death. Then there’s Viktorija, who not only loses her heart, but also her head. What starts as an online romance ends up in a box in the fridge. … By the way: what do you do in Bulgaria when the fridge is as empty as your stomach? No problem, as long as Grandpa is still around. … That’s what a large family is for, isn’t it? Don’t be surprised, a lot of things are different in Bulgaria, but not everything is bad. This is what these stories by Alex Popov are about, delightfully told and compiled in this book. Where the fun ends for others, it just gets started for Alex Popov. He is a highly talented satirist, keen-witted and hilarious, a master of slapstick, always dancing on the edge. This is shameless humor: humor for the advanced.

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Aus dem Bulgarischen von Alexander Sitzmann
288 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715251
Release date: 15.09.2009

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Coverabbildung von 'Fierce Females'

Michaela Karl - Fierce Females

Portäts aus drei Jahrhunderten

The life stories of rebellious women who defied the law in favor of their beliefs.

When men stand up for their beliefs and contest social and political conventions, they are deemed heroes. When women do the same, they are considered fanatics. Michaela Karl describes the lives of women who, like the Greek mythological figure of Antigone, put their beliefs before the law. Women who would not shy away from violence in their courageous fight for women’s and general human rights, for freedom and peace. Setting high moral standards for themselves and others did not always keep them from making wrong decisions, but they bravely faced the consequences of their radical actions. With a keen sense for inner conflict and self-doubt, Michaela Karl bases her portraits on personal letters, journals, writings and memories, tracing the impressive lives of women who swam against the tide of their time. Charlotte Corday, the murderer Jean Paul Marats Mathilde Franziska Anneke, the German amazone Harriet Tubman, Moses of her people Bertha von Suttner, the champion for universal peace Vera Figner, the prisoner of the tsar Clara Zetkin, the Grande Dame of the German labour movement Emmeline Pankhurst, the Queen of the suffragettes Constance Markievicz, the rebellious countess Emma Goldman, the most dangerous woman of the United States Tina Modotti, the Jeanne d’Arc with a camera Tamara Bunke, the combatant of Che Guevaras Phoolan Devi, the queen of the outlaws

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with numerous illustrations
272 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701731503
Release date: 15.09.2009

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Coverabbildung von 'The Sweet Cuisine'

Christoph Wagner Toni Mörwald Ulrike Köb (By photographer) - The Sweet Cuisine

Das österreichische Mehlspeiskochbuch

More than 75.000 copies sold!

Each and every cuisine has its own special characteristics – and talking about the Austrian cuisine, most of these specialities are sweet. Most times when complimenting dinner, the praise is for the dessert, on which a great deal is demanded. Desserts have to be sweet and light, seductive and nutrition-conscious, easy and nevertheless full of fantasy. With “The sweet cuisine” Toni Mörwald has created a standard work of the contemporary Austrian sweet cuisine (more than 75.000 copies sold in Austria, Germany and Switzerland). His approved recipes have been turned into beautiful photographs by Ulrike Köb. Author and restaurant critic Christoph Wagner adds anecdotes and essays on merchandise knowledge. This makes the book a sweet and informative pleasure for reading. It is a perfect compendium which shows how to bring Austrian sweet cuisine into your own kitchen! Christoph Wagner , born in 1954, restaurant critics and author of cook books, thriller and gourmet-columns. Together with Ewald Plachutta he is author of the bestseller “The good cuisine”.

Book details

448 pages
format:168 x 240
ISBN: 9783701731657
Release date: 08.09.2009

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  • United States
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Coverabbildung von 'Means of Motion'

Hans Eichhorn - Means of Motion

A man and a woman meat each other – let’s call them Georg and Renate – she is a non-smoker, he is a non-alcoholic. Both are searching for … - what ever people are searching for: for themselves, for each other, for work. In an advertising agency, they are searching for somebody, too, because the agency was given the task to develop a marketing strategy for a former extermination camp in order to enlarge attendance. What a nice opportunity for Georg and Renate to run into each other. This is how it could have been. Then, Hans Eichhorn would have written a romance. But he hasn’t, only almost. In fact Hans Eichhorn demonstrates how easy it could be to write a romance, because language and words enable to move and to overcome all kind of distance – there is no means of movement that is more convenient than words. Nevertheless, words are fugitive and make blind for the truth – blind for everything in between Georg and Renate which separates them from each other.

Book details

160 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701715282
Release date: 17.08.2009

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Coverabbildung von 'A Shooting Spree'

Peter Rosei - A Shooting Spree

From the calm to the storm: a distraughting novel – diverse and vividly

Actually everything starts quite harmless. Paul Wukitsch, grown up in poor circumstances, is outstandingly intelligent. His mother makes it possible for him to study theology. Nevertheless, Paul is sceptical about church and his scepticism leads to several infringements and finally to his exclusion from the seminary. Alexander Altmann’s career is varied, too. He had married into money, but after the suicide of his wife and the consequential scandal, the tide turns … Their paths of life could not differ more, but as their paths meet, the story takes a sudden course. Peter Rosei draws the bow from the beginning of the 20th to the 21st century. The kaleidoscope of his characters creates a serried tableau full of tension. He describes the impact of a superior system on individuals in his laconic style which still is full of musicality. And he tells from the slow maturation catastrophes.

Book details

160 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715305
Release date: 15.08.2009

License rights

  • World rights available
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