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Coverabbildung von 'On the Sunny Side'

Johannes Gutmann - On the Sunny Side

Leben und Genießen mit Kräutern und Gewürzen

Der Kräuterflüsterer Gegen diesen Mann ist kein Kraut gewachsen – die Kräuter wachsen für ihn!

Herbs are a sensory experience. No matter if fresh or dried, they should be in every kitchen and be part of every tea and every therapy. Johannes Gutmann has been proving for 20 years that herbs can also spread delight and joy. As a young man he began to make high-spirits-tea out of herbs, went with his “one-man-show” to trade shows and markets and invented the company “Sonnentor”. He decided for the sunny side of life. And because enjoying is the main part of it, he familiarises us with his treasures also in form of a book: You get a sound overview of herbs and spices, their origins and effects apart from dry technical knowledge. His culinary know-how inspires to experiment. Inventive, sophisticated recipes and a fine knowledge of tea bring completely new tastes into your kitchen. Articles about the history of spices and about important experts of herbs make this book inspiring. When you read the practical advice about herbs from popular medicine you know why this book should be on your kitchen shelf in every case. Pictures full of atmosphere and the story of a very individual path of life complete the herbal walk.

Book details

with numerous photos
224 pages
format:196 x 254
ISBN: 9783701731152
Release date: 07.08.2008

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'Help and Heal'

Thomas Häberle - Help and Heal

The author P. Thomas Häberle shares his experiences and expert knowledge concerning healing naturally..

The author P. Thomas Häberle shares his experiences and expert knowledge concerning healing naturally.

Book details

45th edition
160 pages
format:120 x 190
ISBN: 9783701730186
Release date: 28.05.2008

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  • Italy
  • Hungary
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Coverabbildung von 'Die Liegestatt'

Hans Eichhorn - Die Liegestatt

Wie groß ist eine kleine Welt?

Die Liegestatt ist Anker wie Angelpunkt einer Reise ohne Anfang und ohne Ziel. Ohne sich zu bewegen, nimmt der Text Fahrt auf, kommt von einem Ort zum anderen Ort und sammelt auf seinem Weg Strandgut auf: ein Wasserkocher, das Bohrgeräusch im oberen Stockwerk, ein Tretroller, die zerquetschte Wespe zwischen den Jalousienblättern. Beobachtungen und Erinnerungsbilder aus einer Welt der kleinen Dinge und Sensationen, die zu Wörtern gerinnen. Wörter wiederum, die Beobachtungen und Erinnerungsbilder hervorrufen, aus denen sich eine Welt zusammensetzt: „Noch mehr zu verhandeln, noch mehr Segelboote, die aufzutakeln sind.“ Hans Eichhorn schreibt mit „Die Liegestatt“ das Logbuch einer Expedition im Stillstand, in der Bewegungslosigkeit. Die Seekarte ist der geweißte Plafond über dem Ich, das im Liegen sich und die Welt vermisst. Vermisst, im doppelten Sinne: Denn die Welt ist immer der andere Ort, wo man gerade nicht ist, „und sobald du hineingreifst, zerplatzt das Gebilde“. So steht diese Reise wie jede andere unter dem Motto: „Trag bitte die Altkleider in den Keller und bring die fertig geschleuderte Kochwäsche zum Aufhängen mit!“

Book details

96 pages
format:150 x 240
ISBN: 9783701714902
Release date: 01.03.2008

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'The Hot Battle of Lausanne'

Kurt Palm - The Hot Battle of Lausanne

Austria : Switzerland 1954

Das Wunder von Bern? Deutschland, ein Sommermärchen? Die Hitzeschlacht von Lausanne stellt alles in den Schatten. Kurt Palm erzählt.

The miracle of Bern? Germany, a summer fairy tale? The hot battle of Lausanne outshines everything. Kurt Palm recounts. Lausanne, June 26th, 1954: At 40 degrees Celsius in the shade, the teams of Austria and Switzerland meet in the final of the World Cup 1954. Austria is considered as the favourite, 32.000 Swiss fans heat up the spirits. Kurt Schmied, the Austrian goalkeeper, has a sunstroke but is not allowed to be substituted and wobbles between the posts. What happened then is legendary: One wouldn’t believe it if it hasn’t been historical for long. The game ended 7:5. Today it doesn’t matter for whom: both teams made history with it. It’s the game that preceded the miracle of Bern and at the same time outshades it: 5 goals in 10 minutes, 12 goals in total – there have never been more goals in a Word Cup game. The record is unbeaten to this day. Kurt Palm reports the story of those 90 minutes and tells stories around the game and its protagonists. He creates a lively picture of the period and reminds of a hisorical event that of all people involved Kurt Schmied, the hero of the game, couldn’t remember anymore after the final whistle.

Book details

With b/w photogaphs
176 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701714964
Release date: 01.03.2008

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Coverabbildung von 'Thomas Bernhard:'

Wieland Schmied Erika Schmied (By photographer) - Thomas Bernhard:

His Life and Works in Photographs and Texts

For many decades, and until his death in 1989, Thomas Bernhard was the dominating personality in Austrian contemporary literature. His literature is unthinkable without his environment. It is characteristically Austrian, and belongs firmly in the ranks of world literature. He was available and he was public as none of his colleagues were, while he was also considered to be a loner and unapproachable. Everyone talked about him, and yet he was unknown. Erika and Wieland Schmied are two of the few people privileged to experience Thomas Bernhard in private, as a neighbour and friend. Their image of Thomas Bernhard is built on the memories of innumerable encounters and shared experiences, and is documented with unrivalled completeness in hundreds of photographs. The photos, characterful and unsentimental in equal measure, give an insight into Bernhard's environment, the houses and landscapes in which he lived. However, they also convey an impression of the places he wrote about. In short, the authors have created a comprehensive overview of Thomas Bernhard's cosmos, pervaded throughout by his life and work.

Book details

Illustrated with colour and b/w photographs. 2nd edition
320 pages
format:250 x 305
ISBN: 9783701730896
Release date: 06.02.2008

License rights

  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'A Vandal is no Hun'

Alois Brandstetter - A Vandal is no Hun

Unscramble the code! Alois Brandstetter investigates in the secret world of graffiti. “Korks” says the writing on the wall, over there, and there again, and there and there... Is it a code? A message? Or just a signature? Like a detective, Alois Brandstetter starts to track down meaning and origin of the graffito and adds his philosophic thoughts on manifestations of youth culture, resistance or simply the sweetness of forbidden fruit. But what is the motivation behind these markings? Starting from Josef Kyselak, the Austrian ancestral graffiti writer who even left his mark on the emperor’s desk, Brandstetter describes his personal struggle with the adversities of life. And there are reasons abound for irritation: from compulsory wearing of helmets to higher speed limits, from social injustice to the alleged right on individual freedom, from Günter Grass to... While chasing “Korks”, Brandstetter draws an extensive picture of our society today. The world of graffiti artists, however, remains mysterious... An eloquent, funny and witty companion through the empire of the “unknown vandals”.

Book details

3rd edition
208 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701714803
Release date: 03.02.2008

License rights

  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'Wiener Singverein.'

Joachim Reiber - Wiener Singverein.

People, Voices, Sparks of Heaven.

Singing is the most humane form of making music. For 150 years now, people gather in the Singverein, the Vienna choral society, to sing together. They contribute their most elementary ability and then experience how this ability changes. This is why the story of Vienna’s biggest concert choir is not only the success story of some world-famous ensemble of singers (including pompous performances and memorable premieres of major works by Brahms, Bruckner, Mahler), but also the story of people and their transformation through making music. People, Voices, Sparks of Heaven illustrates both of these aspects. It is a book to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Wiener Singverein: Memories of a great past bring one and a half centuries of music history to life, they show a deep love for Brahms (a love at second sight), they speak of Karajan, Furtwängler and Zubin Mehta (who once was a member of the Singverein himself). And, on the other hand, we learn about life inside the choir today – an insight into a fascinating world of people, voices, sparks of heaven...

Book details

272 pages
format:235 x 265
ISBN: 9783701730599
Release date: 15.11.2007

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