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Coverabbildung von 'Dead Season'

O.P. Zier - Dead Season


O.P. Zier weckt einmal mehr die schlafenden Hunde der Provinz. Die Macht, ihre Marionetten und ein Mord - und alles spricht gegen den Erzähler.

The idyll is elsewhere... Once again, O.P. Zier is not willing to let sleeping dogs lie. A story of the powerful, their puppets and a murder – and all evidence is against the narrator... Barbara Lochner is dead, but who killed her? Everything speaks against Werner Burger, the narrator, except the characters in his book, who line up to admit freely how much each of them would like to kill Barbara Lochner. But when the murder happened, Burger was the only one at the crime scene to confront her with the criminal manipulations of a bureaucracy corrupted by politics. One of her victims is Erwin Lang, an upright man who thought he was about to trace conspiratorial activities but then finds himself in the nuthouse. Or did he just fall prey to his own mind? Against his will, Burger becomes Lang’s advocate in his fight against “the secret system”, and is soon confronted with some crazy small-town dignitaries who aim to reinvent the seasons... This novel takes place on the shady side of an alpine holiday region, in the dreariness between peak season and peak season. Scrutinizing and unrelenting like a detective, O.P. Zier illuminates all corners on which the flashing cameras have not yet shed their light. The result is not only a thrilling story, but also a novel on the pitfalls of story-telling and an author who is always offender and victim at the same time.

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2. Auflage
416 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701714858
Release date: 30.10.2007

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Coverabbildung von 'The Tonkünstler Orchestra. 100 years of colourful history'

Rainer Lepuschitz (Edited by) - The Tonkünstler Orchestra. 100 years of colourful history

Orchestra Stories from Vienna and Lower Austria

Tonkünstler, “artist of the tone” – this is not only what many musicians called themselves up to the second half of last century. The name also has a rich history in the Austrian music scene, a history that is now alive in the Tonkünstler Orchestra of Lower Austria. Back in the times of Mozart and Haydn there was a “Tonkünstler-Societät” in Vienna which mainly organised charity performances of oratories. In 1907, the Tonkünstler Orchestra was formed in Vienna, playing the classic repertoire of that time, but also contemporary music, e.g. the world premiere of Schönberg’s Gurre-Lieder. But there were many ups and downs in the history of this orchestra. After World War I it merged with the Wiener Concertverein for financial reasons, and only after World War II, the tradition of an independent Tonkünstler Orchestra could be continued in the form of the orchestra of the Austrian province of Lower Austria that took over the name and traditions of the Tonkünstler Orchestra. A century full of eventful and interesting stories, recounted by Ernst Kobau, Philipp Stein, Markus Hennerfeind, Wilhelm Sinkovicz, Walter Weidringer and Rainer Lepuschitz, the editor. In the prologue, Otto Biba outlines the historic roots of the Tonkünstler.

Über die Kunst der Töne und die Entwicklung einer langjährigen Tradition Die Tonkünstler – das ist nicht nur die Berufsbezeichnung, die sich bis in die zweite Hälfte des vergangenen Jahrhunderts auf den Visitenkarten vieler Musiker fand; es ist auch ein geschichtsträchtiger Name, der im Tonkünstler-Orchester Niederösterreich lebendig ist. Bereits zu Mozarts und Haydns Zeit gab es in Wien die Tonkünstler-Societät, die vor allem Benefizaufführungen von Oratorien organisierte. 1907 konstituierte sich in Wien das Tonkünstler- Orchester, das neben dem klassischen Repertoire viel zeitgenössische Musik spielte, so die Uraufführung von Schönbergs „Gurreliedern“. Doch die Geschichte des Orchesters war sehr wechselhaft. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg kam es aus materiellen Gründen zur Fusion mit dem Wiener Concertverein. Erst nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg lebte die eigenständige Tonkünstler-Tradition wieder auf, als sich das niederösterreichische Landesorchester diesen Namen gab und sich damit dieser Tradition verpflichtete. Ein Jahrhundert bewegter und spannender Orchestergeschichten werden von Ernst Kobau, Philipp Stein, Markus Hennerfeind, Wilhelm Sinkovicz, Walter Weidringer und Herausgeber Rainer Lepuschitz erzählt. Otto Biba skizziert als Prolog die historischen Tonkünstler-Vereinigungen.

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192 pages
format:165 x 240
ISBN: 9783701730605
Release date: 03.10.2007

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Coverabbildung von 'Scoglio Pomo, or Disaster on the Flying Dutchman'

Fritz von Herzmanovsky-Orlando - Scoglio Pomo, or Disaster on the Flying Dutchman

Scoglio Pomo, a small and rocky island in the Adriatic Sea, would have remained undiscovered if things had turned out right. They have not, however, and so Scoglio Pomo serves as a glamorous getaway for a group of exiles from a battered Austro-Hungarian Empire. Things go all haywire in this pompous Atlantis of Austrianisms: the decadent, goofy noble men and their insatiable ladies cultivate their spleens and whims, they dance on ghost ships until the magic is lost and they find themselves in the water. But only when the British Fleet by mistake reduces the island to rubble and ruins the Emperor’s Viennese Breakfast, it becomes clear that the golden era of Scoglio Pomo and its quirky inhabitants is over. Scoglio Pomo is an island full of fantastic stories and lovely, cranky originals – monuments of an elegant, yet doomed and tattered world. Fritz von Herzmanovsky-Orlando is a master of the grotesque and one of the great representatives of Austro-Hungarian world literature. This is the first single volume edition of “Scoglio Pomo”, which remained unpublished in Herzmanovsky-Orlando’s lifetime. It is unabridged, unmodified, richly illustrated and the first of four volumes of his most important works.

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352 pages
format:110 x 190
ISBN: 9783701714698
Release date: 24.09.2007

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Coverabbildung von 'Referee Fertig.'

Thomas Brussig - Referee Fertig.

A Litany.

Welcome to the vale of tears. A referee explains his view on the world before going out on the field to blow the whistle in the finals. His finals.

The great satirist Thomas Brussig slips into the role of a referee and reflects on life. How does it feel to get booed by 80,000 people? How does it feel to be surrounded by liars, dodgers and cheaters who look innocent in one second and suffer in the next, just as tactics require it in the 90 minutes of a game? How does it feel to catch attention by making mistakes only (for only wrong decisions spur discussions)? The tragedy of the impartial is that he has to stay neutral in a world where passion is contagious, and remain an amateur among highly paid professionals. And why exactly are referees expected to be just, when nobody believes in justice anyway? This book by Thomas Brussig is the first of a new series by Residenz Verlag: A Litany.

Book details

96 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701714810
Release date: 18.09.2007

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  • Italy
  • Czechia
  • Japan
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Coverabbildung von 'Sons and Planets'

Clemens Setz - Sons and Planets

René Templ, a young man and writer, finds a mentor, his intellectual paternity, in Karl Senegger. At the same time, however, he shirks his duties towards his wife and his child - as soon as he feels needed as a father, he shrinks to the size of his son. Karl Senegger, on his part, failed as a father; his son Viktor jumps to death. Was it an irrational act, the final drop of attraction between opposite poles? Or a desperate attempt to stand up against the one you owe your life? Karl Senegger shirks his responsibilities. The father who lost his son finally publishes his child’s literary legacy. Four interwoven stories form this novel, all connected through their subjects, characters and motives. Clemens J. Setz illustrates how sons make their fathers grow, and fathers their sons – and how they break in the presence of each other. Sensitive and tender, joyously playful, but also with confidence and ease – this is a new voice, young and so diversified, a fascinating find. Rewarded with the Ernst-Willner-Preis 2008 at the Bachmann-Wettbewerb and nominated for the aspekte literature award 2007. A haunting novel on fathers who remain sons, and sons who become fathers. An impressive literary debut.

Book details

224 pages
format:110 x 190
ISBN: 9783701742202
Release date: 18.09.2007

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Coverabbildung von 'Wilma'

Evelyn Grill - Wilma

Fatal happiness. The story of two women who are driven into a desperate and fatally suffocating embrace by society.

For the people of a remote village in the foothills of the Austrian Alps, Wilma is a spawn of hell, a monster, and surely not one of them: she is a retarded, corpulent and close-lipped child - and a child without parents. Her helplessness, however, engages the love and sympathy of Agnes, a widowed and childless woman, who both embraces and clings to her fosterling. In constant anxiety for Wilma, she tries to protect their little happiness against the locals, youth welfare officials and all external threats. But their happiness is based on dependence, and in a narrow, secluded world, this can prove lethal... In this book, Evelyn Grill demonstrates once more why her recent novels "Vanitas" and "Der Sammler" [The Collector] made her one of the most provocative voices of contemporary German-speaking literature. She writes uncompromisingly succinct, without sentimentality or shallow morality, and she is never afraid to explore the abysmal depths of the human soul. Let’s worship this author! ANTON THUSWALDNER, SALZBURGER NACHRICHTEN Grill loves to search for strange hobbies and weird passions. Great! DER SPIEGEL

Book details

144 pages
format:110 x 190
ISBN: 9783701714827
Release date: 18.09.2007

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Coverabbildung von 'Peter Turrini – Writer.'

Klaus Amann (Edited by) - Peter Turrini – Writer.

Fighter, Artist, Jester and Citizen. A reader on the phenomenon of Peter Turrini.

His plays Rozznjogd (Rat Hunt) and Sauschlachten (Slaughtering Pigs), both scandalous milestones in the history of Austrian dramatic art, brought Peter Turrini to fame, and millions of TV viewers came to know him through his Alpensaga (Alpine Saga, TV mini series). Nobody interested in literature, theatre or even politics can avoid Turrini. He divides opinions. He is the typical committed writer, one who is not afraid to speak out, one who exposes himself to criticism, one who fights and thus also becomes vulnerable. But he is not only a razor-sharp, provocative and cynical critic of our world today, but also one who stands up as a friend and advocate for those who otherwise remain unheard and helpless, left-overs in a world committed to progress. The book contains contributions by Klaus Amann, Hermann Beil, Aleksander Berlin, Penny Black, Günther A. Höfler, Peter Huemer, Monika Meister, António Sousa Ribeiro, Arno Rußegger, Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler, Johann Sonnleitner, Daniela Strigl, Jürgen Wertheimer and a speech by Peter Turrini. Klaus Amann was born in 1949 in Mittelberg in the Western Austrian province of Vorarlberg and now lives in Klagenfurt (Carinthia). He studied English and German language and literature in Vienna and now is a professor for “History and Theory of Literary Living” and head of the Robert Musil Institute for Literary Studies at the University of Klagenfurt. Since 2004 he has also been the president of the International Erich Fried Society.

Ein Lesebuch über das Phänomen Turrini „Rozznjogd'“ und „Sauschlachten“, beides Skandalstücke und beides Meilensteine der österreichischen Dramatik, machten Peter Turrini berühmt, die „Alpensaga“ bei einem Millionenpublikum populär. Gleich ob als Leser, Theaterbesucher oder politisch denkender Mensch – an Peter Turrini kommt man nicht vorbei. Er scheidet die Geister. Er verkörpert den Typus des engagierten Künstlers, der sich nicht scheut, eine Meinung zu vertreten, der sich exponiert, der kämpft und der sich damit auch angreifbar macht. Doch er führt seine scharfe Klinge nicht als Provokateur oder Zyniker, sondern als ein Freund und Anwalt jener, die keine Stimme haben, sich nicht wehren können oder die als Ausschuss des Fortschritts auf der Strecke bleiben. Mit Beiträgen von: Klaus Amann, Hermann Beil, Aleksander Berlin, Penny Black, Günther A. Höfler, Peter Huemer, Monika Meister, António Sousa Ribeiro, Arno Rußegger, Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler, Johann Sonnleitner, Daniela Strigl, Jürgen Wertheimer und mit einer Rede Peter Turrinis.

Book details

232 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701730582
Release date: 18.09.2007

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Coverabbildung von 'Towards a Meaningful Live. A Logotherapy Manual'

Alfried Längle - Towards a Meaningful Live. A Logotherapy Manual

Eine praktische Anleitung der Logotherapie

What do I live for? What gives meaning to my life? It is a fundamental need of human beings to find their individual meaning in life. This holds particularly true for times of crisis. Meaning, however, means something different to every one of us, and it can also change in the course of life. The search for meaning is thus a very personal issue, and each answer is unique. Alfred Längle explains the basic elements that help us to find our meaning in life. Step by step he guides the reader on his or her individual way. The book features many practical examples, instructions and exercises, and the texts invite the reader to reflect on his or her personal life. It is a practical guide and an easy-to-read introduction to the basic concepts of logotherapy and existential analysis.

Book details

5. Auflage 2022
134 pages
format:165 x 240
ISBN: 9783701730414
Release date: 01.05.2007

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  • Poland
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Coverabbildung von 'Body Running'

Heimo Lercher Wim Luijpers - Body Running

Running with your Whole Body

Besser laufen lernen – kinderleicht, Kräfte sparend, schmerzfrei und ... schneller! Ein leicht verständliches Übungsbuch für Hobbyläufer, die jahrzehntelang Freude am natürlichsten Sport der Welt haben wollen.

Learn to run better – it’s easy, helps you to save power and avoid pain and makes you, well, faster! This practical guide is easy to understand and interesting to all amateurs who want to enjoy the world’s most natural sport for decades. More and more adults are getting back to what every child can do: run! With BodyRunning you will run faster at the same effort, or use significantly less energy at your normal speed. In nine chapters, Wim Luijpers and Heimo Lercher explain why we should not leave running to our legs alone. BodyRunning is not designed to produce future top athletes, but it is easily understandable and perfect for all amateurs who are looking for more fun with their hobby.

Book details

zahlr. Abb. 2. Auflage
176 pages
format:165 x 240
ISBN: 9783701730650
Release date: 30.04.2007

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  • World rights available
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