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Authors 70 Result(s)

Thomas Bernhard

Thomas Bernhard was born on the 9th of February, 1931 in Heerlen, Netherlands, and dies on 12th of February 1989 in Gmunden, Upper Austria.1952-1957 he studied Music and Acting at the Akademie Mozarteum Salzburg, since 1957 he lived as a freelance author. He has received some of the most prestigious literature prizes and awards, among them the Österreichischer Staatspreis 1967 and the Georg-Büchner-Preis 1970, and is considered as one of the most important german language authors of his century.


Nicolas Mahler

geboren in Wien, ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Comic-Zeichner und Illustrator. Bekannt wurde er durch seine gezeichneten Adaptionen von Werken klassischer Weltliteratur (Bernhard, Proust, Musil, Joyce) bei Suhrkamp sowie für seine Comics und Cartoons in „Titanic“, „NZZ“ am Sonntag und der „FAZ“. Im Residenz Verlag zuletzt erschienen "Thomas Bernhards Salzburg" (2022). www.mahlermuseum.com


Manfred Mittermayer

born 1959, lives near Salzburg where he studied German and English literature and has lectured since 1984. In 2012 he became head of the Salzburg Literature Archive and co-director of Rauris Literary Festival. He is the author of several books and essays on Thomas Bernhard, has curated an exhibition on him, and is a member of the editorial team for Suhrkamp’s twenty-two-volume edition of Bernhard’s complete works. From 2005 to 2012 he was employed at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for the History and Theory of Biography where he researched Bernhard’s biography.
