Manfred Kiwek Christopher Unterkofler Marianne Dorfer - The Home of the Sound of Music Family
Villa Trapp Salzburg
The Home of the Sound of Music Family The true story told by Maria von Trapp Written by Marianne Dorfer and Christopher Unterkofler, illustrated by Manfred Kiwek
Maria Franziska von Trapp was the one who locked the front door when the family left for America in 1938. Seventy years later she returned to open the Villa once again together with Marianne Dorfer and Christopher Unterkofler. For Maria the true story of the family at the Villa Trapp was a big concern, it should be told and made known to posterity. This book is meant to fulfill her desire, it tells the story of the Villa based on the memories of Maria von Trapp.
Erhältlich als
100 Seiten
Format: 17 x 24
ISBN: 9783701734368
Erscheinungsdatum: 04.07.2017
€ 12,00 inkl. MwSt.