Homepage / Barbara Waldschütz

Barbara Waldschütz

geboren 1959, studierte Informatik und Medienkunst. Sie lebt in Wien und arbeitet als Mediengestalterin. Für ihre Kinderbuchillustrationen wurde ihr die BIP-Plakette und mehrmals der Illustrationspreis der Stadt Wien verliehen.


Coverabbildung von 'Ned, dasi ned gean do warat'

Christine Nöstlinger Michael Köhlmeier (Foreword by) Gerald Votava (Afterword by) Barbara Waldschütz (Illustrated by) - Not that I wouldn't like to be there


Christine Nöstlinger's new vernacular poems are profound, pithy and full of darkly humorous overtones. They tell of hopes and fears, of avarice and of dealing with old age. The work-shy "Jasmin from stairway four" is a drain on her husband's pocket, "West Street Station Rudi" observes life's little and big ladies on the station platform every day, quiet Mr Meier only reveals his secret fantasies of violence to his goldfish – is that reason to call the police? The verses gathered from Christine Nöstlinger's estate provide a nuanced look at life by focusing on the margins of society. A must for all friends of Viennese vernacular poetry and Nöstlinger fans.