Homepage / Cornelia Hülmbauer
Cornelia Hülmbauer

Cornelia Hülmbauer

was born in Lower Austria in 1982 and studied English and art history in Vienna and Malta as well as Sprachkunst at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. She has already published numerous works of poetry and short prose in magazines and anthologies. Her first poetry collection “MAU OEH D” was published by Sukultur, Berlin in 2018. Cornelia Hülmbauer participated in the final round of the open mike in 2016 and was awarded with the Theodor-Körner-Preis in 2018. “often sometimes never” is her first novel; extracts of the text have already received the Marianne-von-Willemer-Preis as well as the Emil-Breisach-Preis in 2021.

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Coverabbildung von 'oft manchmal nie'

Cornelia Hülmbauer - often sometimes never

Cornelia Hülmbauer describes childhood and teenage years in the country side using snapshots and images created from memory. A car workshop and a four-person family are providing the setting for this story of growing up; intimate experiences are mixed with poignant, witty scenes. Her text is so tightly intertwined and her descriptions so accurate that one is almost able to experience taste, smell, sensations and desires physically. In front of our eyes the “image of the author as a young girl” assumes shape. Seamlessly effortless, Cornelia Hülmbauer succeeds in revealing the past itself as well as the act of remembrance and the development of a literary sensitivity through short passages.