Homepage / Daniel Kehlmann

Daniel Kehlmann

geboren 1975 in München, studierte in Wien Philosophie und Germanistik. Sein Roman „Die Vermessung der Welt“ wurde in vierzig Sprachen übersetzt.


Coverabbildung von 'It would be nice not to be a writer'

Gerhard Amanshauser Daniel Kehlmann (Foreword by) - It would be nice not to be a writer


“I was a master of marvelling and a failure in believing,” Amanshauser once wrote on himself. In this attitude, open-minded and extremely sceptical at the same time, he spent decades in his lookout high up on Salzburg’s Festungsberg hill. Secluded, but not isolated; withdrawn, but not indifferent. With ingenuity and acuity, a playful humour and unapologetic seriousness he defended his convictions - against all forms of dogmatism, banality and megalomania. All his books tell this story; most of all, however, do his diaries - a seleciton of them is now published for the first time. The observations and self-reflections in this book, alert, irritated, brilliant, scornful, dreamy and relentless to the point where Parkinson’s disease began its work of destruction, remind the reader how much Gerhard Amanshauser is missing in our time.