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Elena Esposito

Elena Esposito

studied political science, philosophy and sociology under Umberto Eco and Niklas Luhmann at the Universities of Bologna and Bielefeld, where she has held professorships since 2016. Among other things, she researches the "predictability of the future" using the example of artificial intelligence and algorithmic predictions. As a leading researcher on the theory of social systems, she has published numerous books and essays on media theory, memory theory and the sociology of financial markets. "COMMUNICATING WITH INCOMPREHENSIBLE MACHINES" (2024) was published by Residenz Verlag. 


Coverabbildung von 'Kommunikation mit unverständlichen Maschinen'


Do ChatCPT and generative AI pose a threat to our civilization, or are they an opportunity? The latest algorithms seem to be getting more and more intelligent; they encroach on every aspect of life and are getting increasingly difficult for human beings to grasp. Should we be worried – and are we worrying about the right things? How are we supposed to control machines we cannot understand? If the focus of AI is shifting from intelligence to communication, this raises completely different questions. Ever since algorithms stopped trying to reproduce human intelligence, they have learned to become increasingly competent and efficient interlocutors. Now it is down to us to learn how we can communicate with them.