Homepage / Gustav Schörghofer

Gustav Schörghofer

born 1953 in Salzburg, studied Art History and Classic Archeology in Salzburg and Philosophy and Theology in Munich and Rome. He joined the Jesuit order in 1981 and was ordained priest in 1988. He has been the rector of the Jesuit Church/University Church in Vienna since 1998. His work includes regularly curating art projects and contributing to articles in a range of magazines including “Geist und Leben”, “Wort am Weg” and “entschluß”.


Coverabbildung von 'Drei im Blau'

Gustav Schörghofer - Drei im Blau

Art and Religion

Art and religion are often deemed incompatible. Jesuit Father Gustav Schörghofer manages to debunk this assumption by illuminating how, throughout the centuries and up to this day, religion has created images and images have supported religion. Looking beyond painterly techniques and subjects, he demonstrates humankind’s deeply rooted need to discover and create sense beyond one’s self. At the same time, he points out the value of visual beauty and poetic ideas for religious teachings. Stroke by stroke, this double perspective paints a picture of art and religion that creates proximity where distance was sought for a long time.