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Karin Zogmayer

Born 1977 in Horn (Lower Austria), Zogmayer studied philosophy and German philology in Vienna and Berlin and now lives in Vienna. Her published works include books on Elias Canetti and Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky. Published by Residenz Verlag: Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky, Warum ich Architektin wurde (2019).


Coverabbildung von 'Warum ich Architektin wurde'

Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Karin Zogmayer (Edited by) - WHY I BECAME AN ARCHITECT

Her Frankfurt kitchen design brought her world-wide fame, while her imperturbable lust for life was exemplified by the brisk waltz she enjoyed with Vienna's mayor on her 100th birthday. In these autobiographical recollections she offers up highly personal portraits of famous contemporaries such as Otto Neurath, Josef Frank and Adolf Loos, explains why the Frankfurt kitchen was truly revolutionary and tells us that she wanted to become an architect in order to improve ordinary people's quality of life