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Coverabbildung von 'Channel 8'

Andrea Maria Dusl - Channel 8

A breathtaking love story full of transcendental beauty!

It is only by coincidence that Valentin, a successful TV journalist working for the international Parisian broadcasting network “Channel 8”, discovers that his disturbing dreams are in fact reality. Confused, he embarks on a search for the strange visions that haunt his nightly dreams. He travels to the city where these nightmares are obviously taking place: St. Petersburg. Valentin has an uncanny connection to a Russian artist, who makes her living as a pickpocket. The mundane reporter and the melancholic beauty dream of each other. Like two radio stations tuned to the same frequency, they each experience the life of the other in their dreams. Searching for the strange, yet familiar woman, the line between dream and reality begins to blur as both begin to cross boundaries that they never even thought existed. The ensuing love story between the two highly opposite characters turns into a balancing act between life and death.

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220 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715329
Release date: 11.05.2010

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Coverabbildung von 'Bad Fucking'

Kurt Palm - Bad Fucking

FRIEDRICH GLAUSER PRIZE 2011! A provincial, political crime grotesque, a Bad Fucking nightmare!

Things are brewing together in Bad Fucking: first, Vitus Schallmoser (weirdo) is found dead in his lair. Then Camilla Glyck (Federal Office of Criminal Investigation) is ordered to find the whereabouts of Marie Sperr (interior secretary), who, more or less on the side, works as a building contractor and has planned to have an asylum seekers’ hostel built in Bad Fucking. And while a team of cheerleaders practices on the sports ground of Bad Fucking, Jagoda Dragicevic (cleaning lady) decides to blackmail Dr. Ulrich (dentist) with a nude picture. In the meantime, Ludmilla Jesenská (burglar) flees from her pursuers to Vienna: she took photographs of mysterious cave paintings in Bad Fucking. All this (and more) happens while a heat wave brings almost all of Europe to a standstill and thousands of eels as well as a killer thunderstorm move towards Bad Fucking.

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5th edition
280 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715343
Release date: 12.03.2010

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Coverabbildung von 'Lines and Ruptures'

Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler - Lines and Ruptures

Lectures on Austrian literature from 1945 – 1990

Post-World War II literature in Austria, from Ilse Aichinger to Christoph Ransmayer, exemplified in interpretations of the most important works of the time.

Never was the connection between Austrian identity and Austrian literature as evident as after 1945. And no one has been more able to clearly illustrate the correlation between literature and socio-cultural and political conditions as Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler. With “Bruchlinien”, he coined a term that brings Austria’s post-War literature, its developments and its struggles to the point. And he has left us a work that succeeds in demonstrating how passionate and lively literature can be discussed and pondered: enthusiastic and enthusing. The re-edition of “Bruchlinien” is the first of two volumes of Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler’s famous lectures on contemporary Austrian literature.

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560 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701731794
Release date: 18.02.2010

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Coverabbildung von 'Barmherzigkeit'

Dimitré Dinev - Merciful

Anachronistic subjects revisited

Being merciful – what role does this term play in our society today? Or does it no longer play a role at all? In four short essays, Dimitré Dinev investigates this subject. He tells of personal experiences, of beggar-children who were hauled off to the West to serve Capitalism, of a country where people speak of security instead of freedom… Dimitré Dinev illustrates a society that cannot be merciful and confronts it with a person who is willing to take on responsibility. He pointedly beds this responsibility in parable-like stories, questions and striking subjects. “Barmherzigkeit” is the first of the series “Unruhe bewahren”, which was developed in cooperation with the Akademie Graz.

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from the series "Keeping Uncalm"
80 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701731473
Release date: 17.02.2010

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Coverabbildung von 'Okaasan'

Milena Michiko Flasar - Okaasan

Milena Michiko Flasar tells a light and straightforward story of love, fear and life.

Franziska’s mother is dying. It is a slow process, steadily progressing from an initial irritation to the first instance of forgetfulness, to the first bout of losing touch with reality. These moments irritate Franziska, because her image of her mother as a highly disciplined and controlled Japanese immigrant seems to be fading away completely. The reversal of roles and the mother’s sudden helplessness make her seem unknown to Franziska, like a stranger. Before her daughter’s eyes, she transforms into the young woman she once was, full of desire, hope and passion. After her mother’s death, Franziska is left with a void in her life. A new type of solitude. A gap, which sends her on a journey – on the search for a different, yes, even all-encompassing mother. Milena Michiko Flasar enchants us with a stylistically confident and intensely emotional book.

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144 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715336
Release date: 17.02.2010

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Coverabbildung von 'Schattenarmeen'

Wilhelm Dietl - Shadow Armies

Die Geheimdienste der islamischen Welt

State terrorism and its executors: the best-selling author on Islamic intelligence agencies.

They are among the most dangerous underground organizations in the world. In a constant state of war, the intelligence agencies of Middle Eastern countries operate unscrupulous and beyond the law. Their operations have increasingly brought them to Europe, where they pose a serious threat to security. They utilize varying terror groups to attain their political goals with brutal violence. When they forge alliances with the West, they torture and kill on behalf of democracies. Best-selling author Wilhelm Dietl is the first to describe the hidden structures and most spectacular operations of Islamic intelligence agencies. After many trips to the Middle East and numerous conversations with insiders, investigators and rival agencies, Dietl describes the agencies’ involvement in activities ranging from organized crime to prohibited nuclear technology and sheds light on the gray area of collaboration with Western partners.

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with numerous illustrations
304 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701731671
Release date: 17.02.2010

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Coverabbildung von 'Aufmarsch'

Bernhard Odehnal Gregor Mayer - On the rise

The right-wing threat from East Europe

With a preface by Paul Lendvai

Right-wing parties and neo-fascist groups are becoming an ever-increasing problem in young democracies throughout East and Central Europe. Next to these parties’ successes in elections in Hungary and Slovakia, brutal attacks on minorities by paramilitary groups or Nazi skinheads in Serbia and the Czech Republic are making headlines. There is an urgent need for more thorough information on East Europe’s right-wing extremist scene in order to make an appropriate assessment of the threat these groups pose. News correspondents Gregor Mayer and Bernhard Odehnal have been watching the growing threat for years – sometimes even putting themselves in the line of fire. In their reports, comprised in this book, they analyze the right-wing extremist scene in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria. They gathered inside information on the subject in both on-site research and interviews. On the basis of these insights, they outline the historical and ideological background of these events in the respective countries. The authors demonstrate how animosity against Roma, Jews and homosexuals is fueled and point out connections to extremist groups in Germany and Austria, who are striving for the creation of a “North-South axis” of “National resistance”. Mayer and Odehnal clearly name the threat emanating from these ultra-nationalist agitations – a threat for the political stability of each of these countries as well as for democracy in the entire European community.

Book details

with numerous illustrations
304 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701731756
Release date: 17.02.2010

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Coverabbildung von 'Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Opera, Sensual'

Nikolaus Harnoncourt Anna Mika Johanna Fürstauer - Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Opera, Sensual

The opera and music theater of Nikolaus Harnoncourt, from Monteverdi to Stravinsky: a life in the light of opera.

The art form of opera is more than 400 years old, but it has maged to stay young and fresh thanks to artists such as Nikolaus Harnoncourt and his unfailing endeavor to continuously renew this art form and our understanding of it. His 80th birthday serves as the perfect opportunity to revisit his life in the colorful world of opera. Numerous examples, from Monteverdi’s “L’Orfeo“ and Mozart’s “Figaro“ to Stravinsky’s “The Rake’s Progress“ illustrate how vivid and lively opera can be. Opera is a theater for all senses, not a dusty relic from the past, a hallow traditon or elitist vanity fair. Text, music, drama and an image of the world portrayed on stage all come together in the unique cosmos of opera, with the purpose of reflecting our human nature. And thus opera is a necessity, like all forms of art. This is what Nikolaus Harnoncourt demonstrates once more with great passion, intelligence and conviction in this enthralling book.

Book details

with numerous illustrations
496 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701731541
Release date: 30.10.2009

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Coverabbildung von 'For the Advanced'

Alek Popov Alexander Sitzmann (Translated by) - For the Advanced

A load of fun: these stories are dripping with dark humor and morbid wit.

One morning a man happens upon a newspaper ad in which someone – now that the free market has found its way to Bulgaria – offers services as an executioner. The man is curious. After all, 50 USD aren’t that much for a once in a lifetime experience, even if it ends in death. Then there’s Viktorija, who not only loses her heart, but also her head. What starts as an online romance ends up in a box in the fridge. … By the way: what do you do in Bulgaria when the fridge is as empty as your stomach? No problem, as long as Grandpa is still around. … That’s what a large family is for, isn’t it? Don’t be surprised, a lot of things are different in Bulgaria, but not everything is bad. This is what these stories by Alex Popov are about, delightfully told and compiled in this book. Where the fun ends for others, it just gets started for Alex Popov. He is a highly talented satirist, keen-witted and hilarious, a master of slapstick, always dancing on the edge. This is shameless humor: humor for the advanced.

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Aus dem Bulgarischen von Alexander Sitzmann
288 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715251
Release date: 15.09.2009

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Coverabbildung von 'Der Barbier von Bagdad'

Paul Flieder - The Barber from Baghdad

Life, Death and Faith in Iraq

Beyond the walls of Baghdad: a captivating report on living in fear of terror.

The information we receive on the current security situation in Iraq is based on reports from the Green Zone in Baghdad, which, out of fear of terror attacks, is cut off from regular life by barricades, police and the military. Paul Flieder left behind the Green Zone and traveled the country on his own, documenting his journey with a film camera. What interests him are the lives of regular people who have been forced to change their daily lives out of constant fear of terror attacks or harassment by the military. He tells us about a country whose people have been traumatized and face a future without hope. And yet, they have not lost their faith in god as they cope with their daily lives with courage and humor. Flieder does not rely on official statements by politicians or state officials, but instead speaks to the widows and orphans, victims of kidnappings and bombings, business people and theater groups, imams and police officers he encounters on the road – or in a barber shop in Baghdad. Traveling without an escort through Mosul, Erbil, Kirkuk and Baghdad, he at times is confronted with difficult situations, which he can only escape from by acting valiantly at the right moment. His experiences paint an alarmingly clear picture of the actual security situation in Iraq at the time of US troop removal. A report on human tragedy in Iraq that holds back nothing.

Book details

with numerous illustrations
208 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701731480
Release date: 15.09.2009

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