Coverabbildung von "Männer"

Moritz Franz Beichl - Men

With painful candour, humour and tenderness tells Moritz Franz Beichl the story of two unequal brothers and his search for alternative images of masculinity.

In Moritz Franz Beichl's novel, two men meet who have nothing in common - except one essential thing: their father. Because everything distinguishes the narrator from his brother Konrad, the lawyer and family man who lives in a nice house - and perpetuates a conventional image of masculinity. More attractive, more modern, but with all the normative violence that has always been there. But now the father has died, the two brothers have to organise the funeral together - and for the first time the narrator has something to offer his older brother: a self-determined life as a ballet dancer, as a gay man, as a stubborn single man. The old conflicts break out, but reconciliation may also be possible without fully understanding each other's lives.

Book details

160 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701717859
Release date: 25.03.2024

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  • World rights available
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Moritz Franz Beichl

born in Vienna in 1992, studied at the Hamburg Theatre Academy. He has made a name for himself as a director in Germany and Austria with queer classic productions, for which he has received numerous awards, including the Nestroy Prize in 2019 and the Culture Prize of the Province of Lower Austria in 2023. Moritz Franz Beichl lives in Vienna. His debut novel "Die Abschaffung der Wochentage" and his first theatre play "Effi, Ach, Effi Briest" (S. Fischer Verlag) were published in 2022. His most recent publication is "Männer" (2024).


Raffiniert doppelbödig geht es um veraltete Rollenbilder, die sich in den Köpfen festsetzen, obwohl die Realität ganz anders aussieht. ...ein Talent für pointierte Szenen. Er versteht es, ernste Themen in unterhaltsame Form zu gießen.
[Quelle: Karin Czerny, FALTER]

Beichl gelingt das Kunststück, aus dieser Gemengelage keine triste Tragödie zu fabrizieren, sondern ein zartes, gefühlvolles Portrait einer schwierigen Kindheit.
[Quelle: Herbert Schorn, OÖN]

Moritz Franz Beichl versucht in seinem Roman „Männer“, ganz unaufgeregt ein Familiengleichgewicht auszutarieren, verliert dabei auch nicht die Lebenswege der Protagonisten und deren jeweils eigene Wahrheit aus dem Blick.
[Quelle: buecherfreund_drmller, INSTAGRAM]

Lesung und Gespräch
Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, Am Sandwerder 5, 14109 Berlin
Lesung mit Gespräch
Literaturhaus Mattersburg

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