Michael Laczynski - Open your eyes and hope for the best
An instruction manual for unsettled times
Mit Haltung durchs Leben. Fundiert, ironisch, witzig.
Economic crises, the success of populist parties, the return of nationalistic reflexes, the rapidly advancing digitalisation of everyday life and work are reason enough for pessimism. Discussions are held in an increasingly aggressive tone, blatantly displayed ignorance rules the virtual and real-world debates. It seems as if everyone has an opinion, but nobody has any idea where the socio-political journey is taking us. All the more welcome is this guide for living in such unsettled times – knowledgeable and well-founded, yet with plenty of humour and irony. This is a book that engagingly addresses the big topics of the present age: populism, fear of downward mobility and pressure to perform, increased harshness of communication, yearning for leadership, anxiety about the future.
Book details
184 pagesformat:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701734412
Release date: 06.03.2018
License rights
- World rights available