Michael Laczynski - Future's last year
How 1999 changed the world
Im Jahr 1999 wurden weltweit Entscheidungen getroffen, die sich als Brandbeschleuniger herausstellten. Eine überraschende Analyse.
Around the world, decisions were made in 1999 that transpired to be highly incendiary. Laczynski delivers a surprising analysis. Financial bubbles and debt crises, Wladimir Putin and Donald Trump, the rise of China and the demise of Europe, talent shows and "Game of Thrones". Smart phones and social networks, populists and self-promoters, internet billionaires and Me Incs, 9/11 and the endless wars in the Near East – many of the developments that have shaped our era of crises and conflicts have their roots in 1999. It was a time when the future seemed within reach and the hope for world peace and prosperity for all seemed justified rather than naive. "Future's last year. How 1999 changed the world" details how the carnival of optimism came to an end and the course was set for the return of a past we thought had long been overcome.
Book details
192 pagesformat:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701734429
Release date: 12.03.2019
License rights
- World rights available