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Christoph Wagner

Christoph Wagner

geboren 1954, Restaurantkritiker, Kochbuch- und Krimiautor, studierte Germanistik, Anglistik und Kulturelles Management, verfasste zahlreiche Kochbuch-Bestseller, u. a. gemeinsam mit Ewald Plachutta „Die gute Küche“, schrieb wöchentliche Kolumnen in NEWS, profil und GUSTO, wurde 2001 mit dem Goldenen Ehrenzeichen der Republik Österreich ausgezeichnet. Christoph Wagner starb am 17. Juni 2010. Zuletzt bei Residenz erschienen: "Die süße Küche" (2009).


Coverabbildung von 'The Sweet Cuisine'

Christoph Wagner Toni Mörwald Ulrike Köb (By photographer) - The Sweet Cuisine

Das österreichische Mehlspeiskochbuch

Each and every cuisine has its own special characteristics – and talking about the Austrian cuisine, most of these specialities are sweet. Most times when complimenting dinner, the praise is for the dessert, on which a great deal is demanded. Desserts have to be sweet and light, seductive and nutrition-conscious, easy and nevertheless full of fantasy. With “The sweet cuisine” Toni Mörwald has created a standard work of the contemporary Austrian sweet cuisine (more than 75.000 copies sold in Austria, Germany and Switzerland). His approved recipes have been turned into beautiful photographs by Ulrike Köb. Author and restaurant critic Christoph Wagner adds anecdotes and essays on merchandise knowledge. This makes the book a sweet and informative pleasure for reading. It is a perfect compendium which shows how to bring Austrian sweet cuisine into your own kitchen! Christoph Wagner , born in 1954, restaurant critics and author of cook books, thriller and gourmet-columns. Together with Ewald Plachutta he is author of the bestseller “The good cuisine”.