Homepage / Karin Moser

Karin Moser

geboren 1974, ist Filmhistorikerin, Redakteurin, Kuratorin diverser Filmreihen, Lektorin an der Universität Wien, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin des Filmarchiv Austria. Zuletzt erschienen: "Streitbare Brüder" (2010).


Coverabbildung von 'Habsburgs schmutziger Krieg'

Hannes Leidinger Verena Moritz Karin Moser Wolfram Dornik - The Habsburgs’ Dirty War

An Analysis of Austro-Hungarian Warfare 1914-1918

New research on the darkest chapter of World War I: the authors examine the strategies and calculations employed by the Habsburg ruling elite. They show how the war, which began with the main aim of destroying Serbia, was allowed to get out of hand, with no consideration of the losses. And what happened in the zones occupied by the Imperial armies? Were Austro-Hungarian forces responsible for war crimes? This book sheds a shocking light on chains of command, prejudices, and escalating violence towards suspects, civilians and ‘administrated masses’. A disturbing panorama of the Habsburg Empire’s path to downfall.