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Mieze Medusa

Mieze Medusa

Mieze Medusa, whose legal name is Doris Mitterbacher, was born in 1975 and has lived in Linz, Innsbruck, London and now Vienna. She has toured internationally as rapper and spoken word performer since 2002 and has kept her MC name as a literary author. Her debut novel “Freischnorcheln” was published in 2008. She has since published prose texts and poetry slam material, as well as recordings of the hip hop duo “mieze medusa & tenderboy”. She has also produced a number of theatre pieces and realised experimental music projects. Recently published: “Du bist dran” (Your turn) (2021) and "Wenn über Frauen geredet wird" (What they say about women) (2022).

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Coverabbildung von 'Was über Frauen geredet wird'

Mieze Medusa - What they say about women

Friends and partners, mothers and daughters: Mieze Medusa’s captivating new novel is all about women and their right to not give a monkey’s about ‘what people say about them’. Laura, a native of Tyrol, lives in Innsbruck and hates skiing, cosy romantic chalets and the magic of the Alps. Forty-year-old Frederike, known as Fred, still hasn’t settled down and is frequently out of work. She lives in Vienna, previously with Marlis – until she falls in love with musician Milla YoloBitch. Marlis wants a baby, Fred wants Milla, Milla wants to rap, Laura wants to draw comics, Laura’s sister Isabella wants a family and a career. And although not all their wishes will come true, in this novel Mieze Medusa makes a passionate case for allowing women to be, become and want anything they please.

Coverabbildung von 'Du bist dran'

Mieze Medusa - Your turn

Three lovable outsiders search for their place in the world. Agnesa, an 18-year-old Vienna city girl with migrant background who left school without qualifications, computer nerd Eduard, whose midlife crisis has turned him into a stalker in the wilds of the world wide web, and Felicitas, a feminist who’s still fighting the good fight at 69, even though she has followed her true love into the province. Their paths cross and they soon realise that life is better when shared, even if it means that some dearly held falsities have to fall by the wayside. Writer and performer Mieze Medusa has enjoyed years of success on the poetry slam circuit. Now she’s delivered a novel that combines humour and warmth with its very own language to capture the voices of today.