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Vladimir Vertlib

Vladimir Vertlib

born in Leningrad in 1966. His family emigrated to Israel in 1971, then successively moved to Italy, Holland and the US before settling in Austria in 1981. Vertlib studied economics and has lived in Salzburg and Vienna as an author since 1993. His works encompass novels, short stories, essays and articles. In 2001, he received the Adelbert von Chamisso fellowship grant as well as the Anton Wildgans prize. Vertlib's works include the novel 'Lucia Binar und die russische Seele', which was longlisted for the 2015 Deutscher Buchpreis. His novel 'Zebra im Krieg' is published in February 2022.


Coverabbildung von 'Die Heimreise'

Vladimir Vertlib - THE JOURNEY HOME

"The Journey Home" is the author's touching homage to his mother, a fierce woman with an indestructible sense of humor, and at the same time a merciless satire on the absurdity of the Soviet dictatorship in the 1950s: Lina, a young student from Leningrad, modeled on the author's mother, is doing her compulsory labor service in distant Kazakhstan in the summer when she receives a message from home. "Father seriously ill! Come quickly!" With tenacity, desperation and changing companions, Lina sets off on her journey through the Soviet empire, which is ruled by absurd regulations and arbitrary police violence. Will she make it home in time to see her father alive?

Coverabbildung von 'Wenn der Jasmin auswandert / Wenn der Jasmin Wurzeln schlägt'

Jad Turjman Karim El-Gawhary (Afterword by) Doris Brandl (Afterword by) Vladimir Vertlib (Afterword by) - Wenn der Jasmin auswandert / Wenn der Jasmin Wurzeln schlägt

Zwei Bücher in einem Band.

Vom Verlust einer Heimat und dem Finden einer neuen: Jad Turjmans Bericht hat Tausende Leser*innen bewegt, nun liegt er erstmals in einem Band vor. Wie viele junge Syrer flieht Jad Turjman 2014 vor der Einberufung in Assads Armee nach Europa, um dem sicheren Tod zu entrinnen. Sein Weg ist gefahrvoll und mühsam, und es wird noch Jahre dauern, bis er die Traumata von Flucht und Folter verarbeiten kann. In Österreich angekommen, findet er ein neues Zuhause, endlich kann er den Jasmin, nach dem er sich seit seiner Flucht aus Damaskus sehnt, neu pflanzen. Doch er reflektiert auch ironisch über die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten der Kulturen, über die Fettnäpfchen, in die er getreten ist, und über die Rassismen, mit denen er konfrontiert ist.

Coverabbildung von 'Wenn der Jasmin Wurzeln schlägt'

Jad Turjman Karim El-Gawhary (Foreword by) Vladimir Vertlib (Afterword by) - When the Jasmine Puts Down Roots

How I learned to find home within myself

In "When the Jasmine Puts Down Roots", Jad Turjman explains what happened to him after he successfully fled Syria and made a new home in Austria. He reflects on the differences and commonalities between the two cultures, the linguistic gaffes that Syrians learning German can make, and the racism that has sometimes confronted him. Of course, Austrians and their quirks also come under the microscope, and his outsider’s viewpoint is often highly illuminating. Turjman explores how a person can process traumatic events and describes his personal experience of therapy. The follow-up to his bestselling "When the Jasmine Leaves" is multi-layered, humorous and profound.

Coverabbildung von 'Zebra im Krieg'

Vladimir Vertlib - Zebra At War

A novel based on true events

With 'Zebra at War', Vladimir Vertlib has produced a masterful work that casts a wry yet affectionate and empathetic look at the dark side of humanity and politics. Paul Sarianidis lives with his family in an Eastern European seaside town, in a region run down by years of civil war. When he is made redundant, he becomes increasingly embroiled in the vicious debates that rage on social media. One day, Paul is arrested by Boris Lupowitsch, a rebel leader whom he has threatened online. Lupowitsch holds him to account on camera. Paul is mocked and humiliated, and the resulting video is watched by millions. How can he carry on living with the shame?