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Coverabbildung von 'Europas kleine Tiger'

Christine Sonvilla - Europe's little tigers

The secret life of the wildcat

The European wildcat population is increasing its spread. Yet most people have never encountered these shy animals, which share few similarities with our domesticated felines. Roaming through the wilderness, from the Scottish Highlands to the Black Sea, they are loved by some and ignored by others. Researchers have been using smart forensic methods to learn more about their secretive life and have discovered that wildcats aren’t as solitary as has long been assumed, nor is their habitat restricted to woodlands. Christine Sonvilla has followed the trails of these striking animals and offers an insight into the hidden lives of Europe’s little tigers.

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Aus der Reihe "Leben auf Sicht". Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen.
256 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701735235
Release date: 04.05.2021

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'Der verkaufte Feminismus'

Beate Hausbichler - Feminism sells

How a political movement became a profitable label

From political struggle to lucrative catchword – a compelling analysis.

Feminism has undergone an astonishing change of image over the past few years. Superstars bandy about combative statements against sexism to appear politically engaged, advertising campaigns have adopted narratives on female self-determination as a standard tool, and career literature is spiked with calls for empowerment to gain a feminist hue. What is all the hype really about? And what threat does social media pose to the dialogue on equal rights? Beate Hausbichler takes a closer look at the bold claims of feminism which in truth harbour nothing more than self-glorification, image cultivation and marketing – and highlights the considerable threat this poses to a political movement.

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224 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701735266
Release date: 23.02.2021

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'Alle satt?'


Securing the food supply for 10 billion people

How will we feed a future population of 10 billion people?

Time for change: Agriculture and sustainable nutrition have become hotly debated subjects across society, as we look to a near future in which our planet is home to ten billion people. But can we feed the human population through organic farming? Is eating animals a sin? Does industrial agriculture based on high tech farming practices destroy rural areas, deplete natural resources and drive people into the cities? In 'Everyone Full?' Urs Niggli outlines a visionary plan for feeding the world – a fascinating read for foodies and everyone who appreciates good food.

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2. Auflage März 2021. Mit einem Vorwort von Werner Lampert. Aus der Reihe "Leben auf Sicht".
160 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701734191
Release date: 26.01.2021

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Coverabbildung von 'Ein Stück Leben'

Zoran Dobrić - A piece of life

The ethical, legal and medical issues surrounding organ transplants. A report

Imagine you’re a doctor. There are two 30-year-old women in your intensive care unit – one with severe head injuries and no chance of survival, the other with a fatal heart defect whose only chance for life is to have a donor heart implanted. What would you do? This is just one of many questions that exceed our emotional and ethical competencies. Doctors, ethicists and lawyers have to find the answers to them, always in the interest of life. But are we allowed to do everything that we can do? Zoran Dobrić has talked to patients, doctors, living donors, relatives of the deceased, scientists and theologists. He has observed all the key processes of organ transplantation, including brain death diagnosis and organ removal.

Book details

240 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701735198
Release date: 26.01.2021

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'Der Klang der Stille'

Philipp Jordan Haide Tenner - The Melody of Silence

The musical journey of famous conductor Philippe Jordan. An engaging and compelling insight into his life and work.

The new musical director of Vienna State Opera is one of the most sought-after conductors of his generation. He is engaged at the best opera houses, the most important festivals and at famous concert halls all over the world – his career progression reads like one long success story. But the Swiss conductor also speaks of the difficulties of starting out, the obstacles that had to be overcome and the important encounters, disappointments and moments of joy along the way. Based on her numerous conversations with Philippe Jordan, journalist Haide Tenner documents the conductor’s personal relationship to music and his work, and his gripping life story to date.

Book details

Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen.
256 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701734634
Release date: 25.08.2020

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von ''

Kurt Kotrschal - Is there hope for us humans?

The dangers and opportunities of our nature

Behavioural scientist Kurt Kotrschal's diagnosis is a wake-up call: Only if we change, will we survive.

Human behaviour is driving our biosphere into the multiple crisis it is in today. But what is the evolutionary basis of human behaviour? And how much room for manoeuvre do we still have? The primary feature that distinguishes humans from other species is our rational potential, yet our everyday behaviour is shaped by irrational decisions. In view of the global survival problems we face, numerous and in some instances radical changes in behaviour are called for, both at an individual and a societal level. But most of all, we need a realistic perception of human nature. Never has it been more important to understand who we really are.

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Aus der Reihe „Unruhe bewahren“. In Kooperation mit der Akademie Graz, dem Literaturhaus Graz und DIE PRESSE.
192 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701735105
Release date: 14.04.2020

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Coverabbildung von ''

Nuno Maulide Tanja Traxler - The chemistry is right!

A journey through the world of molecules

An engaging travel companion through the fascinating cosmos of syntheses.

Is chemistry better than its reputation? When it comes to dealing with humankind's big challenges, chemistry is the key discipline. Award-winning chemist Nuno Maulide and physicist Tanja Traxler embark on a captivating journey into the fascinating world of syntheses, bonds and reactions. Entertaining and vivid, the authors describe how chemistry influences our everyday life. They discuss chemical approaches to solving global problems such as climate change, food security for Earth's growing population and waste production. For what is chemistry, after all? It is the science of ourselves, nature and the entire universe.

Book details

Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen.
208 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701735051
Release date: 10.03.2020

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  • Portugal
  • South Korea
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Coverabbildung von ''

Christian Maté - Medicine without doctors

Is artificial intelligence replacing human practitioners?

Can artificial intelligence offer improved diagnosis and more efficient therapies?

The question concerns us all. What does the future of medicine look like and what does it mean for the patient? The use of artificial intelligence and big data for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes has the potential to shake the self-image of doctors to the core. Even today, machines are better at performing certain aspects of what for centuries has been described as the physician's art. Such tasks include diagnosing illnesses, selecting individual treatments and carrying out surgical interventions. Will doctors made of flesh and blood soon be superfluous? What can the patient of the future expect? Christian Maté, himself a doctor, takes a close look at the issues involved and develops compelling theses for a digital future.

Book details

176 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701735020
Release date: 10.03.2020

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von ''

Hannes Leidinger Christian Rapp - Hitler – the formative years

Childhood and youth 1889-1914

Hitler's childhood and youth in a new light.

Going beyond psychological speculation, the authors close a gap in historical research by portraying Hitler's family, childhood and youth in its social and cultural context. Focusing on Hitler's time in Braunau through to his experiences in Vienna, they offer an insight into his character traits and ideological imprints. The book closely examines Hitler's personal background as well as his social environment. National fanaticism, race hatred and anti-Semitism had become firmly established in society long before Hitler and the National Socialists started their ascent. Hitler's radicalised rhetoric could only gain potency when his audience already knew what he was speaking of. Taking a fresh look, Leidinger and Rapp detail Hitler's childhood and youth from a new angle.

Book details

256 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701735006
Release date: 18.02.2020

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Coverabbildung von ''

Nikolaus Harnoncourt Alice Harnoncourt (Edited by) - On Music

Mozart and the monkey's tools

The great master's thoughts on hearing and understanding music.

The unique rationale behind Nikolaus Harnoncourt's practice of music brought him fame across the entire musical world. With his ensemble Concentus Musicus he broke established traditions and opened up new approaches to interpreting old music. This was in part the result of his intensive research into the sound produced by original period instruments, but more significantly came about as a consequence of questioning conventional hearing habits. What exactly is music? What effect does it have? And what were the intentions of its creators? Harnoncourt's writing on performance practices, baroque music and instruments such as the harpsichord reads like eloquent music making. A wondrous journey through the history of music.

Book details

Herausgegeben von Alice Harnoncourt
176 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701735082
Release date: 28.01.2020

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  • China
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