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Coverabbildung von 'Kommunikation mit unverständlichen Maschinen'


A whip-smart essay about how to deal with the future developments in Artificial Intelligence.

Do ChatCPT and generative AI pose a threat to our civilization, or are they an opportunity? The latest algorithms seem to be getting more and more intelligent; they encroach on every aspect of life and are getting increasingly difficult for human beings to grasp. Should we be worried – and are we worrying about the right things? How are we supposed to control machines we cannot understand? If the focus of AI is shifting from intelligence to communication, this raises completely different questions. Ever since algorithms stopped trying to reproduce human intelligence, they have learned to become increasingly competent and efficient interlocutors. Now it is down to us to learn how we can communicate with them.

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Aus der Reihe „Unruhe bewahren“
96 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701736096
Release date: 12.02.2024

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Coverabbildung von 'Lenin'

Verena Moritz Hannes Leidinger - Lenin

The Biography: A Reappraisal

The new, comprehensive work on the controversial revolutionary!

Fanatic or beacon of hope? Who was this revolutionary, whose ideas shaped not only Russia but the whole world? This biography centres around the career and thinking of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, digging deeper into entrenched prejudices, rearranging seemingly established connections and offering surprising explanations as to how an outsider rose to become the leader of the first socialist state. Drawing on a comprehensive array of original documents, the authors delve into the biography of a man who is considered one of the twentieth century’s most influential figures. The result is a new, multi-layered portrait of Lenin, telling the story of one lone maverick during a time of extraordinary upheaval. Thrilling, informative and captivating!

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Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen.
656 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701733903
Release date: 25.09.2023

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Coverabbildung von 'Verrisse'

Thomas Leibnitz - Slated

Damning Reviews of Great Music from Beethoven to Schoenberg

Great composers under fire: amusing scathing reviews from throughout history.

‘Bruckner composes like a drunkard’: this was the conclusion reached by one music critic in 1866, after the Viennese premiere of Anton Bruckner’s Seventh Symphony. You don’t hear this sort of opinion much these days, when the great works of the classical repertoire – admired, revered, above any reproach – are performed in concert halls and opera houses across the world. A glance into the archives, however, reveals some disrespectful but amusing takes: Thomas Leibnitz shows how harsh contemporary critics could be towards works by composers now considered the undisputed giants of classical music – Ludwig van Beethoven, Richard Wagner, Giuseppe Verdi, Anton Bruckner, Johannes Brahms, Richard Strauss, Gustav Mahler and Arnold Schoenberg.

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Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen.
256 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701735655
Release date: 11.10.2022

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Coverabbildung von 'Wenn der Jasmin Wurzeln schlägt'

Jad Turjman Karim El-Gawhary (Foreword by) Vladimir Vertlib (Afterword by) - When the Jasmine Puts Down Roots

How I learned to find home within myself

The follow-up to the bestselling "When the Jasmine Leaves" goes straight to the heart.

In "When the Jasmine Puts Down Roots", Jad Turjman explains what happened to him after he successfully fled Syria and made a new home in Austria. He reflects on the differences and commonalities between the two cultures, the linguistic gaffes that Syrians learning German can make, and the racism that has sometimes confronted him. Of course, Austrians and their quirks also come under the microscope, and his outsider’s viewpoint is often highly illuminating. Turjman explores how a person can process traumatic events and describes his personal experience of therapy. The follow-up to his bestselling "When the Jasmine Leaves" is multi-layered, humorous and profound.

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256 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701735617
Release date: 13.09.2022

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Coverabbildung von 'Freud.Adler.Frankl'

Hannes Leidinger Christian Rapp Birgit Mosser-Schuöcker - Freud – Adler – Frankl

The Viennese World of Psychological Research

The life and work of Freud, Adler and Frankl, the founders of world-renowned schools of psychotherapy, grounded in the historical context of their age.

Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, Viktor Frankl – giants of Viennese intellectual life – revolutionised the science of psychological research within a strikingly short span of time. They became the founding fathers of theories and methods of treatment that are still highly influential even today: psychoanalysis, individual psychology and logotherapy. What were their social environments, how were they shaped by their family backgrounds, and what did their professional networks look like? The authors offer a gripping account of a hundred and fifty years of cultural and scientific history, shedding light on the complex relationships between these three figures.

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With a contribution by Verena Moritz. With numerous illustrations.
288 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701735662
Release date: 16.08.2022

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  • Netherlands
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Coverabbildung von 'Mitten im Leben – wo mag das sein?'

Sven Michaelsen - In the Middle of Life - where might that be?

Self-Discovery in 666 Questions

This amusing and profound book of questions is the perfect gift for yourself or anybody else who matters to you.

Do you get bored by people who only ever ask themselves things they already know the answers to? Have you been waiting ages for someone to finally ask you the revelatory questions that make you realise what you’re truly made of, deep down? That reveal to you your hidden desires and self-delusions? That make you understand why nobody thinks about you the way you think about yourself? In these 666 questions, Sven Michaelsen sends readers on a journey of self-discovery through the brain, heart and belly that’s as instructive as it is hilarious. By the end of it, you’ll be seeing yourself and your life with fresh eyes.

Book details

2. Auflage Oktober 2022.
144 pages
format:130 x 175
ISBN: 9783701735679
Release date: 16.08.2022

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Coverabbildung von 'Sucht'

Georg Psota Michael Horowitz - ADDICTION

Recognising – Understanding – Overcoming

It's a fine line between indulgence and addiction. Liberate yourself from dependency!

Addictions increasingly dominate our society. This has been further exacerbated by the pandemic, which has led to greater psychological strain and consequently an increased risk of addictive behaviour. When we yearn to experience moments of pleasure with growing frequency, we pay for it with the loss of our personal freedom. Quite often, even the search for this moment becomes addictive. And addiction can revolve around many things: cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, food, work, internet, shopping, gambling and more. 'Addiction' by Georg Psota and Michael Horowitz explores addictive disorders and their causes in all their forms and variations, and offers guidance on overcoming dependency and finding a way back to a freer, more balanced life.

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272 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701735013
Release date: 14.06.2022

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Coverabbildung von 'Der Oslo-Report'

David Rennert - THE OSLO REPORT

How a German physicist revealed the Nazi's secret plans

A lone individual's brave act of political resistance against the Nazis.

In 1939, eight weeks after Nazi Germany invaded Poland, two letters arrived at the British embassy in Oslo. Penned by an anonymous sender, the letters described new German weapons systems and outlined the aims of the Wehrmacht's military research programmes. The British secret service feared targeted deception, but a young secret service officer recognised the information as largely accurate and realised it could be used to the advantage of the allies. But who wrote the "Oslo Report"? Hans Ferdinand Mayer, the author of the documents, remains largely unknown to this day. He risked everything and only narrowly escaped death in a concentration camp. In this book, David Rennert traces the astonishing story of the Oslo Report.

Book details

Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen.
224 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701735174
Release date: 21.09.2021

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Coverabbildung von 'Die Geister, die ich teilte'

Fritz Jergitsch - THE GHOSTS I SHARED

How social media threatens democracy

The founder of the satire magazine “Die Tagespresse” attracted millions of readers via Facebook – now he's taking stock and settling a score with social media. An exciting analysis!

In the past decade we have seen a disconcerting rise in the number of autocratically ruled states ¬– for the first time since the second world war. Is there a link between the new ascent of autocracy and social media? In “The Ghosts I Shared”, Fritz Jergitsch takes a closer look at what makes the likes of Facebook and Twitter tick and describes how autocrats and others misuse social media for fake news. Jergitsch draws on current developments for his analysis and explores why in the midst of a pandemic, millions of people suddenly believed the virus was just an invention and how a US president could incite his followers to storm The Capitol. Can we rid ourselves of the ghosts we've shared?

Book details

2. Auflage November 2021
224 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701735334
Release date: 21.09.2021

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Coverabbildung von 'Jesus in schlechter Gesellschaft'

Adolf Holl Walter Famler (Edited by) Harald Klauhs (Edited by) - JESUS IN BAD COMPANY

The first in a twelve-volume edition of Holl's complete works in a special format

Adolf Holl's best-seller “Jesus in schlechter Gesellschaft” / “Jesus in Bad Company” was first published in German and English fifty years ago. The book portrays Jesus as an outsider, a gentle revolutionary and social reformer who questioned dogmas and whose ideas on morality went against rigid power structures. Widely translated, Holl's depiction of Jesus was met with both fierce rejection and exultant approval far beyond Catholic circles and still provides impetus for reflection today. This anniversary issue is the first in a twelve-volume edition of Holl's complete works and includes an editor's introduction and an afterword by Horst Junginger.

Book details

Werkausgabe, Band 1, Leinen, mit Lesebändchen. Mit einer Einleitung von Walter Famler und Harald Klauhs und einem Nachwort von Horst Junginger.
240 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701735372
Release date: 21.09.2021

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