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Coverabbildung von 'From Delusion to Crime'

Thomas Stompe - From Delusion to Crime

True life cases in forensic psychiatry

Ill and evil: how the mentally disturbed can become criminals

Anders Brevik, Josef Fritzl, or the ‘Ice Lady’– are criminals like these pure evil or are they in fact mentally ill? Why is a fanatic legally accountable, while someone delusional is not? Is one innocent and the other guilty? Forensic psychiatrist Thomas Stompe works with ‘mentally disturbed offenders’ who are not held in regular prison, but detained in mental health facilities with special security measures. He recounts fascinating details from cases he has encountered in his work practice as a therapist: the motives that drive the ill offenders; their delusions and crimes; their treatment and their lives ‘after the act’. The stories are disturbing, yet also provoke compassion for the offenders who are humans like you and I.

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184 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701733002
Release date: 25.04.2013

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Coverabbildung von 'It’s alright if they can’t sing, as long as they sing'

Christoph Wagner-Trenkwitz - It’s alright if they can’t sing, as long as they sing

On Verdi

On the occasion of the 200th birthday of the legendary opera composer

Aida, Nabucco, Rigoletto, Don Carlos, La Traviata – Guiseppe Verdi’s great operas are timelessly fascinating. Their heroines and heroes serve as mirrors of reality while also expressing a truth that Verdi sought to create. Like none other he employed passion as the driving force of his plots and created music with such strong emotions that it continues to captivate audiences to this day. Christoph Wagner-Trenkwitz virtuously guides us through Verdi’s creative development as a composer, librettist, stage designer and politician. Verdi not only wrote history as a musical virtuoso, but also charmed his audience as a master of words. As an extra treat, this book includes his most beautiful quotes, commented by the author.

Book details

228 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701732838
Release date: 11.03.2013

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Coverabbildung von 'The Bonedigger’s Son'

Evelyn Grill - The Bonedigger’s Son


Titus’ mother has disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Did she run away, was there an accident or was she murdered?

It’s been eight months since Titus’ mother disappeared without a trace. As a native Italian, she always remained a stranger in the village. His father had brought her with him from one of his expeditions. Rumors and suspicions quickly spread: Did she drown in the lake, did she run away with a lover, or was she the victim of a crime? Titus has been an outsider for years. He avoids people because of a burn scar in his face. The offer to live with and assist the new gravedigger seems like a good way to escape the confinement of his father’s home. As it turns out, the gravedigger is no stranger… Evelyn Grill takes her readers on a journey into a dark world full of secrets. Thrilling suspense from first to last page!

Book details

136 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701716050
Release date: 26.02.2013

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Coverabbildung von 'And All Loved Ones Live'

Hans Eichhorn - And All Loved Ones Live

A poetic journey through our daily lives, full of little pin pricks.

The seasons come and go and the fight with and for life calmly continues. All loved ones live, they say. The house protects us as it confines us, two people united for a timeless moment – while feeling abandoned at the same time. Daliy life is difficult to master, memories arise, chemotherapy begins just like the search for one’s self. Or is it a search for you? The new season comes, and all loved ones live… Hans Eichhorn’s strong emotions and images reveal a world of estrangement, illness and hope. Brilliant!

Book details

144 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701716081
Release date: 26.02.2013

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Coverabbildung von 'Mr scare-horse in the rosewebs'

Fritz von Herzmanovsky-Orlando - Mr scare-horse in the rosewebs

Grotesque, satirical, and irresistibly funny. A sharp-tongued declaration of love to an era long gone.

It all begins quite harmless: True Kakanian patriot Jaromir von Eynhuf decides to bestow the gift of his milk tooth collection on his beloved monarch on the occasion of the latter’s royal jubilee. As fate will have it, the collection is still incomplete. On his quest for the last milk tooth, the loyal official of the royal court’s drum depot bravely faces the trials and tribulations of Kakania. With his debut novel, Fritz Herzmanovsky-Orlando created an unforgettable literary monument to Imperial Austria and the Habsburg monarchy.

Book details

184 pages
format:110 x 190
ISBN: 9783701716098
Release date: 26.02.2013

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Coverabbildung von 'Innere Inventur'

Petrus Stockinger - Inner Inventory

Pause – take stock – draw new strength

A guide to finding the source of happiness in life.

When we lose balance in our lives, it’s time to asses the positive and negative aspects and to “take stock” of our inner self. Petrus Stockinger offers helpful advice and suggestions for this process. Drawing on the words of Saint Augustine, who wrote more than 1600 years ago that life in a monastery is about living “together in harmony, being of one mind and one heart on the way to God.” The author knows from his own experience that this is far from an easy task. He explains how to take inventory and revise one’s life in order to live “with a burning heart”. Even if we don’t actually live in a monastery, we all wish to create peace, draw strength and welcome new impulses in our daily lives.

Book details

152 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701733071
Release date: 26.02.2013

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