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Coverabbildung von 'Winter is good for fish'

Anna Weidenholzer - Winter is good for fish

What do Miranda July, Markus Werner and Wilhelm Genazino have in common? Read this book and you’ll know

Maria has time to spare. So she often spends it sitting on a bench on the church square, watching people come and go, people with big goals on their minds but little time on their hands. Maria, an unemployed fabric saleswoman, knows about fabrics, knows what goes well together, knows what’s concealing weaknesses and what’s highlighting strengths. In her own case it’s more tricky: Which strength will help conceal her age on a market that doesn’t need her anymore? She isn’t old; still, her life is played in rewind, passing its chances, dreams and mischances: Otto, whom she forgets in the crisper; Walter, the Elvis Impersonator of the Mournful Countenance who widowed her; Eduard, who returned from town with another woman; her little sister who became so much of a mother that she even treats Maria like a child. By telling the stories of such quirky, eccentric, yet lovely people, Anna Weidenholzer draws the picture of a woman on the fringe of society. Which is still in the midst of life...

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240 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701715831
Release date: 22.02.2013

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Coverabbildung von 'Madame Stern'

Peter Rosei - Madame Stern

An intricate web of sex, power and money.

Gisela Stern has made it. Coming from a modest background, she managed to marry into a wealthy family, made a career for herself working at a bank and became part of the social elite. And yet, something is missing. She feels a sense of unfulfilled desire, of not quite belonging. When a good-looking, ambitious man enters her life, the carousel of power starts to spin, spinning out of control as politics and desire become more and more entangled… Peter Rosei’s novel – true to his typically laconic style – is the masterful staging of a woman’s rise and fall in the complicated web of a highly corrupt society. A sharp-witted and multifaceted novel.

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160 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701716067
Release date: 15.02.2013

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Coverabbildung von 'At the Centre of Power. The many faces of Maximilian Ronge, director of the k.u.k. Secret Service'

Verena Moritz Hannes Leidinger Gerhard Jagschitz - At the Centre of Power. The many faces of Maximilian Ronge, director of the k.u.k. Secret Service

Die vielen Gesichter des Geheimdienstchefs Maximilian Ronge

Maximilian Ronge was the last director of the Austrian k.u.k. monarchy’s secret service. His career shows several similarities to the one of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, who headed the German military intelligence service under the Nazi regime. Ronge was an important figure in the time of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and also later, when Austria had become a republic. He used his extended networks of spies against “all kinds of traitors”, secessionists, socialists and Bolsheviks. Before 1938, no spy in Austria could possibly evade him. Even after being released from the Dachau concentration camp, Ronge continued his activities. After the end of WW II, he cooperated with the American occupants to set up a new secret service in Austria. These are only a few milestones in Ronge’s career. In the course of his life, this man has served many masters, but at heart he remained loyal to his emperor. Finding out about Ronge’s behind-the-scenes activities required meticulous research, since he not only was an expert in espionage and intrigue, but also a master in covering his tracks. The two historians Verena Moritz and Hannes Leidinger, however, give full account of this extraordinary life, and Ronge’s grandson Gerhard Jagschitz provides a private insight. A book that will cause a stir!

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2nd edition With b/w photographs
440 pages
format:140 x 215
ISBN: 9783701730384
Release date: 02.08.2007

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Coverabbildung von 'Die Grenzen der Sprache'

Anna Mitgutsch - Die Grenzen der Sprache

At the fringes of silence.

Wo sind die Grenzen der Sprache und was liegt dahinter? Der Horizont war vielleicht immer schon die größte Versuchung der Künste. Anna Mitgutsch beschreibt die Versuche der Dichter, über den Rand des Denkbaren hinaus zu gelangen. Sie spannt dabei einen großen historischen Bogen von Gilgamesch bis ins 20. Jahrhundert, dem die Idee des Horizonts zwar abhanden gekommen ist – nicht aber die Sehnsucht danach. Von Emily Dickinson über Jorge Luis Borges zu Imre Kertész eröffnen sich spannende Grenzgänge und machen Lust auf neue Entdeckungsreisen in die Literatur. Anna Mitgutsch weckt mit ihrem brillanten Essay die Neugierde auf eine Welt, die Rätsel bleibt. Absolut empfehlenswert!

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Aus der Reihe "Unruhe bewahren"
112 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701716074
Release date: 29.01.2013

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Coverabbildung von 'Colonel Redl'

Verena Moritz Hannes Leidinger - Colonel Redl

The spying, the scandal, the facts

Sensational: Newly discovered records on the Habsburg Monarchy’s largest case of espionage

Alfred Redl, officer of the Austrian general staff under Franz Joseph I. and in his majesty’s secret service, sold explosive military secrets of the Habsburg empire to Russia, Italy and France to pay for his extravagant lifestyle and love life. His suicide, however, averted the final solution of this scandalous case of espionage that affected half of Europe – stuff that myths and legends are made of... 100 years later, Verena Moritz and Hannes Leidinger went on a fascinating search for clues: What information was sold? Was Redl the head of a whole network of secret agents? What was his motivation? How has this treason influenced World War I? The two historians unearthed sensational material from the archives and shed light on one of the most mysterious chapters in Austrian history.

Book details

with illustrations
320 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701731695
Release date: 15.10.2012

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  • World rights available
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