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Coverabbildung von 'Towards a Meaningful Live. A Logotherapy Manual'

Alfried Längle - Towards a Meaningful Live. A Logotherapy Manual

Eine praktische Anleitung der Logotherapie

What do I live for? What gives meaning to my life? It is a fundamental need of human beings to find their individual meaning in life. This holds particularly true for times of crisis. Meaning, however, means something different to every one of us, and it can also change in the course of life. The search for meaning is thus a very personal issue, and each answer is unique. Alfred Längle explains the basic elements that help us to find our meaning in life. Step by step he guides the reader on his or her individual way. The book features many practical examples, instructions and exercises, and the texts invite the reader to reflect on his or her personal life. It is a practical guide and an easy-to-read introduction to the basic concepts of logotherapy and existential analysis.

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5. Auflage 2022
134 pages
format:165 x 240
ISBN: 9783701730414
Release date: 01.05.2007

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  • Poland
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Coverabbildung von 'Terminifera'

Michael Stavaric - Terminifera

Lois is a nurse, undoubtedly a profession with a reasonable amount of decency. He truly knows how it feels to be entrusted to people who only want the best for you: a childhood in an orphanage, over the hills and far away, is also far away from a fairy tale. As an adult, the world still does not feel like home to him, and neither does Vienna: hairy monsters stroll along Mariahilferstraße, ants are building a mega city under ground, and the city is sitting above it like a sleeping giant. His neighbour Kristina, on her part, has ambitions: private ones that include Lois, professional ones that include pathology. One day, Lois discovers migratory locusts on his windowsill, tiny and fragile monsters that the wind had taken far, far away. Just like Lois himself. Yet flying does not make you an angel, let alone Superman… In his second novel, Michael Stavaric portraits another peculiar character facing an eerie world, and, to quote critics of his debut novel stillborn, he does it “brilliantly”, “masterly”, “linguistically overwhelming”.

Book details

152 pages
format:110 x 190
ISBN: 9783701714759
Release date: 01.01.2007

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Coverabbildung von 'Two Some'

Erika Pluhar - Two Some

Geschichte und Betrachtungen zur Zweisamkeit

Two people make a pair, or a couple, and their relationships can be ruins, arenas, traps, abysses, fulfilment. Coincidence, desire, and life itself create amazing couples: A little girl and her imaginary father make a fantastic pair of liars; a young woman teams up with her unborn child against its father who is interested in his art only; a prisoner and his visitor share intense memories through the glass that separates them. These are some of the encounters Erika Pluhar describes in this book. All of them reveal the magic that arises in any relationship between two people, be they just acquaintances or lovers, a powerful and fascinating energy that inevitably shows its effect on everyone involved. The stories tell how people change whenever they cling to each other, find each other, lose themselves in each other – whenever they meet, touch or find the magic of being twosome.

Book details

2nd edition
220 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701714728
Release date: 01.01.2007

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Coverabbildung von 'Amor und Amok'

Günter Brus - Amor and Amok

It must have been an irresistible joy for Günter Brus to invent these “stories”, and they definitely make an irresistible read. The book contains a collection of legends, anecdotes, fables, parables, or “bonsai novelettes”, as Brus himself called them with a twinkle in his eye. Whatever you call them, they burst with inventiveness and ignite the firework of a literary pyromaniac.

Book details

160 pages
format:130 x 205
ISBN: 9783701714742
Release date: 01.01.2007

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Coverabbildung von 'Sharing the Secret'

Günter Brus - Sharing the Secret

press commentary Günter Brus writing goes beyond genre borders (…) protocol, drama, vision and travelogue overlap and alternate in a playful way. With „Sharing the Secret“, artistic energy is turned into fantastic weightlessness. – Salzburger Nachrichten ...a novel of a rare kind. Strangely archaic, it yet bursts all contemporary borders of preconceived opinion. The caleidoscope starts turning after the first few pages, and in its whirling multitude, the reader is hit by cascades of imagery and ideas.– Die Presse Like an automatic writing, bizarre neologisms and somersaulting thoughts lead into a more and more meaningless nowhere (…) Games of any kind find their meaning in themselves. The authors jests are an explosion of dream vision and colour. – Neue Zürcher Zeitung

A group of men and women sets off to a country without name, and their adventures are recounted, told, or, in other words, dreamed up in this book.

Book details

178 pages
format:120 x 205
ISBN: 9783701714735
Release date: 01.01.2007

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Coverabbildung von 'übereinstimmungen'

Julian Schutting - übereinstimmungen


„Weil du, mein Um und Auf, für mich, deinem Ab und Zu, unsterblich bist.“

Vieles, an dem der Dichter als Einzelgänger achtlos vorüberginge, rührt ihn ans Herz, wenn er denkt: Schade, dass ich zu ihr, der ja jetzt nur in meinen Gedanken Anwesenden, nicht „Schau!“ sagen kann. So trägt er das Gesehene und Erlebte im Kopf nach Hause, denn es wird ihr auch als ein von ihm Beschriebenes gefallen. Julian Schutting führt Spielarten einer Seelenliebschaft vor, eines luftigen, aber mit starken Fäden ausgestatteten Gespinsts, belebt von einem Hauch von Sinnlichkeit, der die gemeinsam betrachteten Dinge in ein neues Licht taucht; einer frei schwebenden Zusammengehörigkeit, die sich auch in Unterhaltungen über Dinge des Alltags ausdrückt, in heiteren Wechselreden, einem scherzhaft-fiktiven Frage-und-Antwort-Spiel. Ein halb vollkommenes Glück, das aber vielleicht nur ein geborgtes ist: „bis zu unserem ersten Tag hab ich an ein leichtes Dahingehen geglaubt. aber von dem an weiß ich, du wirst mir eine Abschiedserschwernis sein: mein Ein und Alles in dir zurückzulassen!“

Book details

160 pages
format:110 x 190
ISBN: 9783701714582
Release date: 01.09.2006

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Coverabbildung von 'Mission: London'

Alek Popov Alexander Sitzmann (Translated by) - Mission: London

Bulgarien kommt, der ultimative Roman dazu ist schon da. Und: Er ist saukomisch.

Bulgaria? Backward, corrupt and lazy? As the new ambassador in London, Varadin Dimitrov, is designated to enhance the image of Bulgaria in the West. When he rings the bell at the respectable address of the embassy in Kensington one morning, he finds that there is indeed a lot of work ahead of him: a provincial mayor at hangover breakfast, the cook at loggerheads with his wife, the vacuum cleaner – broken. Indeed, the civilized world owes thanks to Bulgaria for the invention of the water closet, but that does not help the new ambassador on his mission, nor does the fact that his predecessor refuses to clear the house as he is desperately fighting his return home. And above all: the freezer in the cellar houses ducks kidnapped by the Russian Mafia. Mission impossible? Varadin Dimitrov seeks assistance with a PR-Agency that promises him access to London's high society – glitter, glamour and dozens of celebrities. One of them is his cleaning lady; she leads a double life and moreover she's been dead for the longest time. There's something terribly wrong here, isn't it …. Alek Popov tells of the East in the West and the West in the East. In this novel full of wonderful characters he tells a story of pure folly, sounding as if all of this were not in the least bit funny. English translation available

Book details

Aus dem Bulgarischen von Alexander Sitzmann
336 pages
format:110 x 190
ISBN: 9783701714575
Release date: 01.08.2006

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Coverabbildung von 'The Daughters of Róza Bukovská'

Zdenka Becker - The Daughters of Róza Bukovská


Die Geschichte einer slowakischen Familie als Paradigma eines Lebens in der Heimatlosigkeit.

At seventeen, daughters never have an easy time with their mothers: The leech is always too short and in Czechoslovakia it must be still a bit shorter. When people say "a chip off the old block" mothers are usually more pleased than daughters. Jasmine Bukovská does not give her mom any reason for such a pleasure as she resembles her aunt: the woman whom her father loved and still loves. Marriage was thwarted by family reason. Then came Róza, the younger sister, satisfied her curiosity about life with the would-be brother-in-law, got pregnant and could be married. Three daughters sprang from this marriage: Iris, Jasmine and Kamilla. Life gets cramped at home as well as in the entire country. Spring in the year 1968 is the time of the great departure: Iris, the elder sister takes advantage of a gap in the Iron Curtain and emigrates to the United States of America, and also for Jasmine the temptation of leaving home and her home country behind grows …. Zdenka Becker is at home between two countries and in two languages. In a questioning tone, but without vain over-verbalization she tells of the loss of old commitments and the search for a new identity.

Book details

410 pages
format:110 x 190
ISBN: 9783701714599
Release date: 01.08.2006

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'Gatterbauertwo or: Surviving Europe'

Max Blaeulich - Gatterbauertwo or: Surviving Europe

Die letzten Tage der Menschheit finden ihre Fortsetzung in einem Roman von beklemmender Kühnheit.

Carried off to Europe as a slave, a souvenir of an Africa expedition Gatterbauertwo is second footman to his master Alois Gatterbauer and looking for his home Uganda. After a time of meandering and after many detours he ends up in Hungary, goes to the dogs, and at the home of Count Pallavicini he is to be turned into a cultivated, converted catholic butler. He learns quickly: manners, waiting, German – but most of all he learns to hate. When heir apparent Franz Ferdinand is killed in Serbia and World War I breaks loose he is well prepared for his new role: He goes to war – for a strange emperor, a strange god, and a country that is not his. How can you survive Europe, the wild continent, the permanent war in the heart of darkness? And what does humanity mean, when man is nothing more than a cue ball of foreign powers – slave, soldier, object to look on, object of lust, a commodity? Based on meticulously researched historic material Max Blaeulich draws the picture of a society degenerated to the core: Europe, a culture where moral values have been perverted by racist arrogance and greed; Europe, gloriously stumbling across dead bodies from one catastrophe into the next. The quote from Dostoevsky tunes in for a grotesque pitch. Blaeulich is a master of this field, and he is in good company: Gogol, Canetti, Gombrowicz, Carlo Emilio Gadda, Sergio Pitol, just to name a few. The genre of the grotesque itself is a blossom of baroque art. Blaeulich is a baroque author not only because of his characterisations, but also because of his roaming, straying, slope-searching way of storytelling. LEOPOLD FÖDERMAIER, NZZ

Book details

336 pages
format:110 x 190
ISBN: 9783701714513
Release date: 01.08.2006

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  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'Erfahrungen einer Rutengängerin'

Käthe Bachler - Experiences of a diviner

Der Klassiker bereits in der 19. Auflage!

Geobiological influences on the human body. The book presents the results of the authors fact-research of more than 3000 home- and workingplace-analizes. Deeper causations concerning insomnia and illness could be found by uncovering geophatic disruptions.

Book details

19. Auflage
236 pages
format:150 x 205
ISBN: 9783701730353
Release date: 20.07.2006

License rights

  • Netherlands
  • Portugal
  • Slovenia
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