Tara C. Meister - Sample
Tara C. Meister sensitively tells a contemporary story about alternative life plans and dreams, about failure and new life.
The unpredictable but charismatic Johanna is a director in a small theatre collective. She has a close, perhaps too close, friendship with Caro, who works as a biochemist in a laboratory. When Johanna becomes unintentionally pregnant, Caro offers to raise the child together - a courageous alternative to traditional family patterns? Tara C. Meister's exciting debut novel confronts dreams with their validity in reality. She describes moments of intimacy and closeness, but also conflicts and assaults, with a light touch and a clear view. But Johanna and Caro are determined to live out their courageous decision - and to assert themselves in a world in which utopias are not intended...
Book details
256 pagesformat:125 x 215
ISBN: 9783701717842
Release date: 12.02.2024
License rights
- World rights available