Johannes Gutmann
was born in 1965 in Lower Austria as the son of a farmer. In 1988 he founded “Sonnentor“, a company for the regional and international marketing of herbal specialities from the farmers of his native Waldviertel region under the logo of the smiling sun. Twenty years later, the company employs 100 people and offers 600 products. Fortune obviously favours the bold! Johannes Gutmann is original in his ideas and has a sense for success. He lives the virtues that make a good life possible: Fairness, partnership, courage, creativity, and humour.
Manfred Buchinger
geboren 1952 in Obersdorf, hat im Wiener Hotel Intercontinental ebenso gekocht wie in berühmten französischen Häusern und in Japan. Dafür wurde er mit nationalen und internationalen Preisen ausgezeichnet.