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Coverabbildung von 'So test therefore, who join forever'

Alexandra Bleyer - So test therefore, who join forever

A short history of marriage

An amusing journey through the history of marriage, from the ancient world to the present

Marriages might be made in heaven but they are lived out here on earth – for some a floor lower… Even beforehand, when choosing a partner, those keen to marry are faced with a tricky decision: money or love? There are countless traps, which even royal marriage-hopefuls can fall into: Henry VIII of England fell victim to the Photoshop effect back in the sixteenth century when he requested portraits of suitable marriage candidates. After the ceremony is completed it’s often no easier: who turns out to wear the trousers? And rumours of a blissful two-fold union are a myth: one half turns out to come with a mother-in-law, the other can’t manage with just one woman. And the dictates of church and state follow the couple right into the bedroom. Till death us do part. But help is at hand.

Book details

224 pages
format:130 x 175
ISBN: 9783701733620
Release date: 03.06.2015

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  • South Korea
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Coverabbildung von 'Leopold Figl and 1945'

Helmut Wohnout - Leopold Figl and 1945

From Death Row to the Ballhausplatz

This book opens up new perspectives on an icon of Austrian policy in the dramatic year of 1945.

Still in brutal solitary confinement in the Mauthausen concentration camp at the beginning of the year, Nazi prisoner Leopold Figl awaits his trial on death row. In April, as the Russians already begin to enter Vienna, he’s released. Soon after Figl organises the improvised Viennese food supply. In May, he became the first Governor of Lower Austria. Finally, he led the People's Party in November in the parliamentary elections, which made him the first Chancellor of the Second Republic. Based on meticulous research Helmut Wohnout allows the life of Leopold Figl to make the year 1945 eventful in a new whole new light.

Book details

with numerous illustrations
224 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701733583
Release date: 29.04.2015

License rights

  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von ''

Johann Feilacher (Edited by) museum gugging (Edited by) -

Der Künstler und sein Bild der Welt

Book details

deutsch/englisch, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen; Leinen mit Schutzumschlag
152 pages
format:325 x 410
ISBN: 9783701733613
Release date: 20.04.2015

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