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Coverabbildung von 'Legends'

Gesa Olkusz - Legends

Gesa Olkusz effortlessly and stylishly conjures the past into the present and finds the magic in the everyday.

Plagued by thoughts, Filbert wanders through Berlin. One snowy night he meets Mae, and their love seems easy and absolute. Filbert is still not at peace; the legends of his grandfather, who died a hero as a resistance fighter in the forests of Eastern Europe, won’t leave him. But then Aureliusz appears, and he’s not as harmless as he looks: he may just look like a boy in a holey jumper, but he has the ability to travel through time in his search for the truth. But it’s not that easy to find it when everyone has their own story to tell and Filbert really just wants to have Mae back.

Book details

2nd edition
192 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701716357
Release date: 12.02.2015

License rights

  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'Accomplices to Happiness'

O.P. Zier - Accomplices to Happiness


Die Geschichte der ungewöhnlichen Familie Wirring ist eine Hymne auf Freiheit, Aufbegehren und Anarchie.

The story of the unusual Wirring family is a hymn to freedom, rebellion and anarchy. Just like the famous Gallic village the Wirring’s old farmhouse defies the surrounding concrete apartment blocks in Salzburg. For the narrow-minded neighbourhoods it’s a thorn in their side, but for the shameless everyday anarchy of the four family members, it offers a reliable home: Claudia, campaigner for environmental and social renewal, Werner, former advertising guru and now life scientist, grandfather Peter, called Pete Wire, rock musician, and son Rolf, who tries to make sense of it all. That is until the day a terminally ill man stands in the doorway claiming to be an illegitimate child produced from an encounter between their rock star grandpa and a waitress…and with this he sets a turbulent family story spanning three decades in motion.

Book details

360 pages
format:125 x 205
ISBN: 9783701716425
Release date: 29.01.2015

License rights

  • World rights available
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Coverabbildung von 'A Good Day has 100 Points'

Thomas Weber - A Good Day has 100 Points

... and other ways to change the world, day for day

Anyone can make the world a better place!

We are living on borrowed time – the message has reached most people now. But is it much help to be told no-one should be consuming more than 6.8 kilos CO2 a day? How can we still have a satisfying life? This book provides concrete answers: “A good day has 100 points,” an open-source campaign has claimed, evaluating everything we do, every consequence of our daily lives, using a points system. The system is derived from academic research, which Thomas Weber has used as a basis for his book, thinking it through and applying it to daily life. He introduces initiatives such as ‘wwoofing’ and ‘foodsharing’, visits repair networks, and explains why we should be eating carp rather than tuna fish.

Book details

2nd edition
216 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701733422
Release date: 29.10.2014

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Coverabbildung von 'Habsburgs schmutziger Krieg'

Hannes Leidinger Verena Moritz Karin Moser Wolfram Dornik - The Habsburgs’ Dirty War

An Analysis of Austro-Hungarian Warfare 1914-1918

co-authors: Karin Moser and Wolfram Dornik A ruthless assessment of the empire’s military conduct during World War I by acclaimed Austrian historians

New research on the darkest chapter of World War I: the authors examine the strategies and calculations employed by the Habsburg ruling elite. They show how the war, which began with the main aim of destroying Serbia, was allowed to get out of hand, with no consideration of the losses. And what happened in the zones occupied by the Imperial armies? Were Austro-Hungarian forces responsible for war crimes? This book sheds a shocking light on chains of command, prejudices, and escalating violence towards suspects, civilians and ‘administrated masses’. A disturbing panorama of the Habsburg Empire’s path to downfall.

Book details

with numerous illustrations
328 pages
format:140 x 220
ISBN: 9783701732005
Release date: 26.10.2014

License rights

  • Serbia
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