Born in Altausee in 1941, Frischmuth studied Turkish and Hungarian. After further Oriental studies in Vienna she became a freelance writer. Now a multiple-award winning author, she returned to live in Altausee in 1999. Her biggest successes include the novels “Die Klosterschule” (1968, transl. into Engl. as “The Convent School”), “Die Mystifikationen der Sophie Silber” (1976) and “Kai und die Liebe zu den Modellen” (1979), as well as numerous gardening books. Most recently published new editions: “Bindungen” (Commitments) (2013) and “Machtnix oder Der Lauf, den die Welt nahm” (Nevermind, or how it all panned out) (2018). Most recently published: “Natur und die Versuche, ihr mit Sprache beizukommen” (Nature and our linguistic attempts to get to grips with it) (2021).