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Barbara Frischmuth

Barbara Frischmuth

born in 1941 in Altaussee, studied Turkish, Hungarian and Oriental Studies and has been a freelance writer ever since. The multi-award-winning author has lived in Altaussee again since 1999. Her greatest successes include the novels "Die Klosterschule"
(1968), "Die Mystifikationen der Sophie Silber" (1976) and "Kai und die Liebe zu den Modellen" (1979), as well as her numerous gardening books. Most recently published by Residenz Verlag: "Natur und die Versuche, ihr mit Sprache beizukommen" (2021), "Schaufel, Rechen, Gartenschere" in the series "Dinge des Lebens" (2023) and "Die Schönheit der Tag- und Nachtfalter" (2025).


Coverabbildung von 'Die Schönheit der Tag- und Nachtfalter'

Barbara Frischmuth - The Beauty of Butterflies and Moths

Dazzling blue beetles, furry moths, bold grasshoppers and shimmering dragonflies are the heroes of Barbara Frischmuth’s new short stories. Yet when we look more closely, we realise they are about more than just carefully observed insects: they are about the delicate symbioses between humans and nature, about rare hybrid beings, half girl and half beetle, about talking dragonflies and about what we can learn from the ingeniousness of grasshoppers. Written with affectionate humour, these stories reveal how profoundly human beings are a part of nature. As gardener and poet Barbara Frischmutch never tires of repeating: our only chance of survival is to develop a relationship with nature based on respect and mindfulness.

Coverabbildung von 'Schaufel, Rechen, Gartenschere'

Barbara Frischmuth Hanna Zeckau (Illustrated by) - Schaufel, Rechen, Gartenschere

Was die Hände brauchen

Die leidenschaftliche Gärtnerin Barbara Frischmuth weiß, dass sie immer nur zu Gast sein wird in ihrem Garten. Mit Rechen, Schaufel, Gartenschere und einigen anderen über die Jahrtausende entwickelten, oft ganz schlichten Gerätschaften bearbeiten wir Erde und Pflanzen, graben um, schneiden, setzen, ordnen, verteilen und ernten. Vor allem aber dürfen unsere Hände Gartengeräte nutzen, um mit den eigentlichen Bewohnern des Gartens in Austausch zu treten: mit Gräsern und Insekten, Blumen und Würmern, Wurzeln und Schnecken. Die Geschichte der Gartengeräte ist die Geschichte unserer Beziehung mit der Natur und allem, was in ihr lebt. Voller Dankbarkeit erzählt Barbara Frischmuth von dem, was ihre Hände im Garten brauchen.

Coverabbildung von 'Natur und die Versuche, ihr mit Sprache beizukommen'

Barbara Frischmuth - Nature and our linguistic attempts to get to grips with it

Nature and culture cannot be kept separate. They continuously intertwine, visibly and invisibly, but not always harmoniously. From the outset, humankind has tried to tame and subjugate nature. And the more spectacularly successful we are in doing this, the less we think about how dependent on it we still are. This shows most clearly in the language we use to try and label and describe nature – be it in the fictional, poetic, factual or scientific context. In her essay, Barbara Frischmuth seeks to illustrate how nature is discussed in literature, culture, science and in everyday life. To underestimate nature would be perilous. To value and even love it equals human enlightenment. The essay series UNRUHE BEWAHREN (Keep Uncalm) is a response to an increasingly uncomfortable present tendency. At the heart of modern-day progress lies a wasteful unrest, while the past is progressively devalued and the future is robbed of substance. This is opposed by the principle of anachronism. Engaged contemporaneity should be coupled with the courage for caution and a passion for the outmoded. UNRUHE BEWAHREN is therefore also the theme to which the spring and autumn lecture series at Akademie Graz are dedicated. Edited by Astrid Kury, Thomas Macho, Peter Strasser Advice: Harald Klauhs

Coverabbildung von 'The Convent School'

Barbara Frischmuth - The Convent School

Barbara Frischmuth's stirring début: the narrow world of a Catholic boarding school, the pupils and their aspirations, the teachers and their rules – the expression of a strict upbringing designed to restrict freedom of feeling, thought and action.